What do you guys use to build world geometry?


New member
Just curious, because it can get to be quite a pain in the arse to have to manually decide on the positions of each vertex and calculate each normal. Is there some program out there that can help out in this? Or do I have to make my own? :D


You can spend 6 months creating your own world editor or just convert the currently popular .map formats to fit your application (note: illegal with some editors). Brushes are ubiquitous so it's not a stretch from one format to another. Either way you need a CSG app at the least, and a radiosity processor to do lightmaps (unless you plan to use shaders).
It's quite easy to do a loader for Unreal/UT brush files for instance. That's what I've done in my GameEngine demo. It's also quite easy to do a loader for GE2 files (.gof) which you can export from maya if you enable the plugin for it. Both these are in ASCII format, which you can parse quite easily.