web site question


New member
the new cox deal gives me 7 email addresses and a website to go along with each of those... so i figured i would put the free hosting to some good use and host some files on it my friends might want from me... cox says to upload the files/pages using cute ftp or one of its variants... did that... my question is, how do i link to the files on there without them having to get cute ftp?

for ex... they put a sample page on there called index.htm and displays when you type in my web address followed by /index.htm. however when i upload a file called, for ex: thx.mp3, and type in my web address followed by /thx.mp3 it displays an error page saying the file does not exist.

can i do what im trying to do using cox's server?
You might not be able to link directly to the files. More than likely you have to setup links in your index.htm file pointing to the uploaded files.
You would need to include "href="http://url....etc...etc" tags. I'll see if I can find some beginning HTML website for you tomorrow sometime if someone hasn't posted any by then.

Make sure your file(s) are in the website base directory...
It's easier, or you can put them wherever you like...

h**p://www.rage3d.com is the domain...
Now the front page is index.htm

On that page you create links to other sites/files by adding

<a href="file.html">

<a href=h**p://www.rage3d.com/board>Message Board</a>
Or a specific file:
<a href=h**p://www.rage3d.com/file>click here to get the file</a>

If it's another directory like files then:
<a href=h**p://www.rage3d.com/files/whatever>Here is the link to whatever</a>

(The * should be t)
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uh if i did it right... it didnt work... how would linking to it in the web page be any different than typing in "http://webpage/file.mp3" in a browser anyway?

and for some unknown reason cute ftp says my login is incorrect now for the ftp site...:o :bleh: :ugh:
Oscar1613 said:
uh if i did it right... it didnt work... how would linking to it in the web page be any different than typing in "http://webpage/file.mp3" in a browser anyway?

and for some unknown reason cute ftp says my login is incorrect now for the ftp site...:o :bleh: :ugh:

Well i'm no pro but certain websites won't let you grab links unless your in the domain...
For instance geocities.com you can't link files without going thru the domain name...

Ok I have a .mp3 file that I want to share....
So I can't do:
I would have to make a page like this:
<a href=http://www.geocities.com/my.mp3>My mp3</a>
And once you get to my main page, when you click the link it should work..
um... it wouldnt even play the file when i tried embedding it into the page... i think cox has some weird file structure...:confused: