Posting or linking to political or religious content is prohibited outside of the Politics and Religion forum. Please read this FAQ item if you would like to access the Politics and Religion forum.
As discussed below, the P&R Forum runs by a slightly different set of guidelines from the rest of the forums, so be sure to review any announcements or sticky threads in the forum before posting.
Source: P&R FAQ
As discussed below, the P&R Forum runs by a slightly different set of guidelines from the rest of the forums, so be sure to review any announcements or sticky threads in the forum before posting.
The Rage3D Politics and Religion forum has been known to create a lot of very heated debates which often contain posts by members that other users sometimes find very offensive depending on their political and/or religious affiliation. As a result, we've set in place a special usergroup just for people interested in discussing Politics and Religion that will hopefully help keep the forum a place for mature and responsible discussions.
Joining the Politics and Religion Discussion usergroup means you wish to access Rage3D's Politics and Religion Discussion forum and agree that you can handle the discussions that take place there in a mature and respectable manner.
Be aware that moderating in this forum is very light and moderators will often let discussions go on until their natural end, whatever that may be. Due to the nature of Political and Religious discussions, users are often very emotional and therefore sometimes aggressive in the way they interact with other users, and while users aren't encouraged to act out, it certainly can and does happen from time to time. We've found that letting the users police themselves in this manner works well for the P&R Forum. If you have a problem with this policy, we highly advise that you do not join this forum but rather stick to the other common forums found on Rage3D where moderation rules are more traditional.
Rage3D and it's member staff will not be held responsible for anything that our members post in this forum. However, if you find something particularly offensive and in very bad taste, please use the "Report This Post" feature and we will look into as soon as possible.
Details on how to join the P/R forum usegroup are in the FAQ items below.
Source: P&R FAQ