Want another media streamer


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So finally broke down and bought a treadmill for the spousal unit. Apparently a treadmill is a gateway drug, because now I'm instructed to buy a TV add on. Which means she'll want a streaming device attached.

We already have a couple of Roku 3 devices, and are pleased with the functionality. But I'm tempted to test the waters a bit here, and see what else is out there. Our usage is almost exclusively Amazon Prime and Plex.
Amazon fire stick, and get the emby server/app if you want to stream local media.

For live OTA TV look into an HD Homerun with their app.
Not really concerned about live TV. We don't have cable, and only one of our TVs currently has an OTA connection ... which we very rarely use. 99% of the usage likely to follow our current usage ... which is Amazon Prime + Plex for local media.

Greasy, are you recommending emby over Plex? Been very pleased with Plex, for several years now.
Emby sounds like it'd be worth checking if you're not already a Plex Pass "lifetime" member (I grabbed the Plex Pass when it was $80 I think). Unless you really want to play around or need something Emby has that Plex doesn't, no reason to switch as far as I can tell.

Roku+Plex is a golden combo for me as well. The FireTV (sticks don't have as much to them so I'd personally avoid them if the normal box is attainable) would also be my 2nd choice, since the new AppleTV is underwhelming and has to be unlocked to be interesting. I had an AppleTV and ended up selling it and getting a Roku 3 to replace a 2XS. We use Netflix a lot more than Amazon Prime, though we're thinking of cutting the cord next year so that might balance out more in the future.

We're heavily invested in our Tivo's right now, so just need to get closer to break-even on the lifetime fee before we sell them (it'd only take a year or so at that point to break even, and another year or so to break even for the cost of the tivo roamio+mini... but we love our Tivo's so we'll see... we also hate Comcast).
I am completely ignorant of these new Android boxes available.
I currently use my Roku 2 and Plex for my streaming needs.
Suppose I should update w/ what I did.

Bought a Chromecast on a Christmas deal (got an Audio too while I was at it). Was a hassle to get on our network, and connectivity remains suspect at times, but overall has some handy features. However, it complements rather than replaces the functionality & ease of use offered by our existing Roku 3 devices.

Specific to the treadmill, my wife especially uses the remote / headphone functionality, so I went ahead and moved one of our Roku 3 units down there. That meant using the Chromecast even more, which further convinced me that it was a value add product. Looked at getting another Roku 3, but ultimately decided to spend a bit more and get the Roku 4.

So far, its fine. Our TVs are old 1080P variety, so the 4k support is meaningless for now. Not noticing any speed enhancements, but do like the voice search stuff (our early gen Roku 3s don't have it). Do NOT like the 3rd party specific extra buttons on the remote, even though we use Amazon. Overall think it was the right choice, since we will move to 4k within a year or two, and for our use Roku really is the best option.