Thanks MonkeyDust. I was hoping they had the same type of page for 2008. It is probably safe to assume they are very similar. If that is the case, it still looks like Professional is the best alternative for me because it comes with SQL Server 2005 Developer edition. Those team editions look great. But the price is so OMGWTF!!!
2008 is not looking like as big a jump in as many cool new language features as 2005 was. The LINQ stuff is nice and easy. But, if you already are a T-SQL expert I am not sure why you would want to switch over. The OR Designer is better in many ways to TableAdapters and typed-DataSets. But, I don't like being forced into their vision of what a business object should be. We'll see, it takes me a while to absorb these things...
Also, IMO they are getting away from some of the benefits of strong typing and readability with features such as Lambda Functions, Anonymous Types, Partial Methods and such.