Vision Quest Series, Speak with Tim Berners-Lee


New member
Thought people might be interested in this. My university, Binghamton, is putting this on:

The VisionQuest Series
Episode I: Meet the Man Who Spun the Web.
November 17, 2000 3pm (EST)

Imagine a Q&A session with one of the best minds in technology answering
your questions. Hear the remarkable stories of how technologies came to be -
straight from their inventors. Here's your chance to discover what drives
great thinkers, how they succeed and why they sometimes fail.

The VisionQuest Series is a student organized, globally broadcast forum that
affords the academic population a rare opportunity to interact with industry
leaders on such topics as elements of success, attainment of goals and the
advancement of technology. Airing biannually from Binghamton University
(SUNY), VisionQuest will be distributed by satellite transmission and Web
streaming. This innovative deployment of media, coupled with strong support
from leading corporations, promises to establish VisionQuest as the world's
largest student technology forum.

Join us at 3 pm (EST) November 17, 2000 for our debut episode featuring the
inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. We invite you to submit
questions for Tim and join us in our cause by visiting

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