for 2 days i have been trying to get vi to work. I am using a DV camcorder and can get the images on screen but when i choose save to c:\capture it dose not save any clips. If i change to a different video compression it will either do the same or just crash on me when i stop a recording. What should i be doing? i have tried almost every possibility.
I also get 4 lost clusters each time i try recording detected by scandisk.
I am realy pi$$ed about this, this is one reason i got the Radeon 64 VIVO.
my system.
Athlon 950
Abit KA7
Fujitsu 17gig udma/66
set 6gb to record file so disk space is not a issue for a 20 sec clip.
Anyone had this prob and can help me .
Thanx Chris.
I also get 4 lost clusters each time i try recording detected by scandisk.
I am realy pi$$ed about this, this is one reason i got the Radeon 64 VIVO.
my system.
Athlon 950
Abit KA7
Fujitsu 17gig udma/66
set 6gb to record file so disk space is not a issue for a 20 sec clip.
Anyone had this prob and can help me .
Thanx Chris.