Vega Driver bugs/issues


New member
A list of bugs/issues I've noticed so far (17.8.2)

System repeatedly freezes when loading webpage elements, such as, and is worse after waking from sleep mode. What's a good workaround for this, disabling sleep mode, or?

Wolfenstein Old Blood
The game runs fine, much smoother with almost none of the texture popup issues of the FuryX, but checkpoint reload times are extremely long; these feels like a caching issue of some sort.
A list of bugs/issues I've noticed so far (17.8.2)

System repeatedly freezes when loading webpage elements, such as, and is worse after waking from sleep mode. What's a good workaround for this, disabling sleep mode, or?

Wolfenstein Old Blood
The game runs fine, much smoother with almost none of the texture popup issues of the FuryX, but checkpoint reload times are extremely long; these feels like a caching issue of some sort.

Make sure in AMD Global gaming settings the HBCC memory segment is disabled. If enabled this will look to use system memory/HDD as cache which will obviously slow everything down. Also Wolfenstein Old blood is a DX11 game and won't be optimised to run on Vega so that could be an issue. It's one of my steam games I haven't played yet :lol: I might give it a quick try to see if there is an issue.

Disabling sleep mode is always the first thing I do on a new windows install. It's a nightmare. I have a Mac Mini on my desktop too connected to a 27" 1440p display that is on 24/7 and never had an issue with resuming from sleep with Mac OS. Windows sleep wouldn't touch it with a barge pole :lol:
Have stoped using sleep mode after buying a SSD, before it took almost five minutes to start, no kidding, now is just a couple of seconds, not worth to go trough sleep mode bugs because of that.