Unreal Tournament - OGL or D3D


Active member
I was just wondering what the general thoughts on what was the better API for Unreal Tournament. I have just rediscovered it and started replaying it. The game rocks and the mods are great also. I was tweaking both the D3D and OGL API's to see which one yields greater image quality and fps. I have tried to get S3TC working without success or I have no idea on how that looks.....

D3D seems slower but looks sharper, while OGL seems to scream but doesn't look as good......

I was just curious......
I think OpenGL is generally considered to be superior (assuming you're all patched up with the latest version). If I remember, I'll get my roommate in here to comment on this tomorrow. He's *way* into UT and he has like every UT tweak memorized.
If image quality is what you are looking for, then you definitely want to run in OpenGL. Framerates are pretty similar in both APIs.

If you have the second UT install disk, then you can copy all the S3TC textures onto your computer. You'll need to get the updated OpenGL dll made by a company called Loki (makes UT run very smoothly in OpenGL). Then you need to copy some instructions into your UnrealTournament.ini file that controls what quality settings you'd like.

You can email me at [email protected] if you have questions.
Hope that helps.
Theres also an optimised GL Smoothvision driver knocking about for UT....I cant remember where though !
OpenGL will get ya both great visual quality at decent framerates; once you start patching. Head over to http://unreal.epicgames.com and download the latest OpenGL patch. Then replace the OpenGLDrv.dll in the /system folder with the downloaded one. Once you have that done, read the instructions on the site to edit your UnrealTournament.ini file.
umm, wtf i run unreal with direct3d

i thought opengl was full of bugs when u run it with unreal, datz the reason i chose direct3d in the first place
radeonx128 said:
umm, wtf i run unreal with direct3d

i thought opengl was full of bugs when u run it with unreal, datz the reason i chose direct3d in the first place

OpenGL is amazing in Unreal now that the new renderers are out... try it and be pleasantly surprised ;)
radeonx128 said:
umm, wtf i run unreal with direct3d

i thought opengl was full of bugs when u run it with unreal, datz the reason i chose direct3d in the first place

Under D3D+S3TC I had consistent clipping/texturing problems on my machine. OpenGL has worked better since then.
Unreal1 and Opengl

Unreal1 and Opengl

I just purchased Radeon 8500LE 128Meg. I can't play Unreal1 with Opengl. The game window comes up and then just goes away. My favorite game is Unreal and I purchased this card to replace my Voodoo5 and because Voodoo5 was not working with Windows XP. Any ideas. Also, no matter what I set my overclock settings to with Radeonator, I still get the same framerates in Unreal. Any ATI Game gurus out there. Help....

Vein have you tried the latest beta drivers for your card and the latest patch for the game. Also remember that for speed in UT it's more on how fast your processor is not your GPU. Although don't get me wrong because it definitely helps to have that R8500.
The 1024x1024 sized textures look quite amazing with the Loki Opengl renderer, and my framerate is much more consistent. Quake3 eat your heart out.