TV Boxes w/ Bandwidth Limits or Control?


New member
Sometimes when wifey watches Netflix on our first gen Roku box, it hawgs our bandwidth in a way that makes online gaming impossible. It's not all the time, but enough. It only seems to be the Roku. When she hooks up her laptop to the TV in the living room, it's fine. In fact, I can watch Netflix in the basement at the same time. The IQ takes a little hit, but at least it's useable. Gaming-- forget it!

I've done the thing where you hit the keys a certain way to bring up the hidden options screen and set the bw way down, which has helped some but not all the time.

I'm about ready to take a hammer to the cawksucka.

I only have 20MB cable modem internet, which has been fine for most stuff.
You might have bandwidth-limiting settings in the QoS options of your router. What are you using?
I think at best I can set a low priority for its MAC Address. The only bw control I see is a global upload speed limiter. I'll check around again.

Edit: I was able at least to set the Roku box to Low priority and my gaming rig to Highest. [crosses fingers]

Netgear WNR834B v2. (Getting fairly old)
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D/L doesn't really effect games unless it's near capped.
Upload can wreck things though. Does the Roku send a lot of stuff back?
D/L doesn't really effect games unless it's near capped.

I think that's what it's doing but it's weird that way. I read somewhere that Roku's, or certain models, very aggressively buffer. Like I said, strangely it doesn't seem to have a great deal of impact on other video streaming, but other things that merely sip bw, like browsing or gaming, get waylaid.

Upload can wreck things though. Does the Roku send a lot of stuff back?

Not of which I'm aware.