Truform Renderer for Q2 based Games?


New member
Hi to all,

is it possible to make a renderer for quake2 based games
like Hexen2 or Heretic 2.This would be quit nice?!

Uh. . . it's not a simple process. It involves modifying some renderer code. You might want to try and get NitroGL's attention for this. He's the one who made the TruForm patches for Quake, Quake 2, and Unreal Tournament.
Ostsol said:
Uh. . . it's not a simple process. It involves modifying some renderer code. You might want to try and get NitroGL's attention for this. He's the one who made the TruForm patches for Quake, Quake 2, and Unreal Tournament.
Would you happen to know where I could get these patches?