Tiny ATI_fragment_shader + Radeon 9700 Pro issue. . .

Another question: Any idea as to the range of a register? I know that while output is always clamped to 0..1, PS1.4 and ATI_fragment_shader all values to range from -8 to 8 within the shader program.
It should be a full 32bit IEEE float (some people think it's 24bit, but I think it's 32bit). So it should have the same range as a float on a CPU.
NitroGL said:
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think PS 2.0 has them though, at least I don't remember seeing that in the spec (I could be wrong of course :)).

Hmm. . . looks like you're right. I took a look at various code samples from ATI. While the PS1.4 samples use them heavily, the PS2.0 sample don't at all. *shrugs* Oh well. . . gotta adapt. . .
NitroGL said:
It should be a full 32bit IEEE float (some people think it's 24bit, but I think it's 32bit). So it should have the same range as a float on a CPU.

:drool: Sweet! Now I can do per-pixel lighting the way I want to. . . :D