The anticipated game for you!

The anticipated game for you!

  • Doom 3 (is this a give me?)

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • Soldier of Fortune 2 (without a doubt)

    Votes: 7 8.1%
  • Jedi Knight outcast (This is the one)

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Unreal 2 (Ok, another chance)

    Votes: 27 31.4%
  • Neverwinter Nights

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Elder Scrolls III: Morrowwind

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • Icewind Dale 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Morrowind, of course

Re: Morrowind, of course

Theuzifan said:
Then, Neverwinter Nights, and finally, doom3 and unreal2.

ya i wanted to add 3 more. but reaching a mod will take too long. Damn, sometimes I dont think. oh well, my most anticipated is never winter nights as well. Shite
man, give unreal2 NOW!!!

man, give unreal2 NOW!!!

unreal2 is the game for me. ever since unreal was released the scenery of 3D shooters came upside down. and now that unreal2 is coming it's gonna rick the boat once more!!!
I'll probably end up getting them all, but for your poll i selected jedi. Actually, if there's one game that will be a absolute, must buy for me, it's the sequel to my favorite game ever... Deux Ex 2
Re: The anticipated game for you!

friskyolive said:
Me? I dunno, anticipating doom3 and others, they are all on my list in the poll

I'm looking forward to Doom 3, not because of Doom 3 itself, but because of the engine it brings with it which will no doubt spawn dozens of titles in the 2-3 years following it. id makes great engines, but only so-so games. They need to do a cooperative thing with Sega or Squaresoft, where id's engine is used, but another company develops the actual story, characters, etc.
I was hearing that Doom3 is supposedly more brain-wise intensive and the gameplay/animations will be slowed down somewhat. I read an article on GameSpot that dealt with former Id employees. The former employees complained about how they were making the "same mindless" **** over-and-over again. Though, for me, sometimes a mindless game with a kewl mod can keep it up!

As for me, I am "barely" (hah) waiting for Team Fortress 2 still. It is because of what happened to Half-Life and how the $50 is STILL SO worthwhile since is so much support for Half-Life by both Valve AND the mod community.
Doom3 !

Purely because I havent seen any other forthcoming title that looks so good. A leap in visuals as big as Original Doom to Quake.

Whens it out ?
Morrow Wind,
Never Winter Nights,
Dungeon Siege <------------------------

Prolly Dungeon Siege first, the screenshots and everything just look awesome !

Dont know too much about the others, except that they're highly anticipated.

I don't like fps that i am not that interested in the next "walk around with a gun and boom boom" kinda games...however i might give unreal 2 a try since unreal 1 had a nie flair to it.

I am also looking forward to what comes from the guys at (they're sitting on a new engine and want to release a MMORP)..but they dont have anything to download on their website yet...

right now: Dungeon Siege, can't wait 'til April...
I like the looks of Dungeonsiege myself, Warcraft 3 will be fun and of course for FPS Unreal 2 then Doom 3. Doom 3 is still a year away.
The latest news is that U2 will be out by Xmas....

UT2 ( the mulitplayer game) will be out by the end of June!!!! i can't wait!!!:p
conscript said:
I'll probably end up getting them all, but for your poll i selected jedi. Actually, if there's one game that will be a absolute, must buy for me, it's the sequel to my favorite game ever... Deux Ex 2
So there IS going to be a Deus Ex 2? Hmm.. I wonder how that will work, considering how the first one ended..

- Me