4/10 is really harsh. The way the ratings scale works nowadays, anything below 5/10 tends to fall into the category of "complete crap/no redeeming qualities what-so-ever," and I certainly can't say that about this game. I'm about 6½ hours in and I'd probably give it about a 6/10. You can tell the budget and team size were major factors in holding the game back, but what's there is surprisingly well done. I'd even go as far as to say the game is surprisingly polished, because I haven't encountered even one bugged mission/quest nor have I crashed, and the performance has been excellent at max settings (with a single GTX 1070/1080p). That being said, I do think $40 is perhaps a little too expensive. $25-30 would have been a better price point, but as a huge Terminator fan I don't regret paying full price because I've already had a great time playing it. If you're a fan of the Terminator franchise as well, I highly recommend giving it a shot.