Terminator Resistance | Announcement Trailer

Just rent it when it shows up on gamepass, it's not like this is some classic that you would want to replay in the future.

This - I've also recently heard the ai is terrible. Lets hope if Skynet ever does really try to overtake the human race, this is the ai we have to deal with :p
I am interested in this one. We hardly ever get good Terminator games, honestly can't remember there ever being one aside from the old T2 arcade game. Been checking videos of this out past few days and seems they nailed the atmosphere pretty well. I think it could be fun if picked up on sale.

This review is what sold me and definitely look forward to playing it at some point:

4/10 is really harsh. The way the ratings scale works nowadays, anything below 5/10 tends to fall into the category of "complete crap/no redeeming qualities what-so-ever," and I certainly can't say that about this game. I'm about 6½ hours in and I'd probably give it about a 6/10. You can tell the budget and team size were major factors in holding the game back, but what's there is surprisingly well done. I'd even go as far as to say the game is surprisingly polished, because I haven't encountered even one bugged mission/quest nor have I crashed, and the performance has been excellent at max settings (with a single GTX 1070/1080p). That being said, I do think $40 is perhaps a little too expensive. $25-30 would have been a better price point, but as a huge Terminator fan I don't regret paying full price because I've already had a great time playing it. If you're a fan of the Terminator franchise as well, I highly recommend giving it a shot.
That being said, I do think $40 is perhaps a little too expensive. $25-30 would have been a better price point, but as a huge Terminator fan I don't regret paying full price because I've already had a great time playing it. If you're a fan of the Terminator franchise as well, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

It's on my list, see if it goes on sale for Thanksgiving.
Game isn't that **** amazingly, it's not AMAZING but it's also 20 euro cheaper and for me is worth it around 40 pooro's. However this version of the theme tune has become one of my favorite.

Bought it for $30. Game reminds me a lot of Fallout in it's style, but the gunplay is weaker and the sounds muddier. The weapons for example, have a weak pew pew sound instead of a satisfying boom. Animations during combat feel stiff as well, but the game is decent enough that I may push through.
I definitely want to pick this up eventually but I'm waiting for $10 or less.

Would have purchased already if it had a co-op campaign option. I can see it being fun to sneak around and destroy Terminators with friends.