StarTek Bridge Commander ROCKS!


New member
Has anybody played this game yet? This is the best Trek game to date! It accurately depicts the battles that those of us that have seen them.
been playin it since release, cool game, but it lacks a dynamic universe, where ya can go and explore. Oh and if ya your gonna play multi then you better get used to the ship controls, its all manual :)
I had never tried any of the Star Trek games before this one. I am a big trekkie though :D I found the game boring though and just not my taste. Anyone interested in it should definitely d/l the demo before buying. I am probaby too used to the MoHAA (medal of honor) action to try and get into strategy games :p
I've tried the Bridge Commander Demo.....

I've tried the Bridge Commander Demo.....

...but the best Star Trek game of all time for me is, Deep Space Nine - The Fallen. In that game, based on the Unreal Engine, you get to play Sisko, Kira, and Worf as they try to recover the Orbs of the Pahwraiths from the possession of those who would use them to destroy the universe.
The game has been out for over a year and you can find jewel case versions for $10.

Dyre Straits