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Halp. Malware Bytes, Kaspersky, Avast, and Avira cannot find anything yet some how I keep getting "adsbyxxx" extensions installed into chrome.
Have you disabled all other extensions and plugins to see if it stops?
It stops, but they keep getting reinstalled somehow. The only other extensions I have are Adblock. And Chromes standard Drive, files, etc.
I think I might just nuke'n'pave this weekend to be safe.
SASA is actually an adware which uses numerous ads to make profits. It can come into your PC without any knowledge and permission. What's worse, it also has a follower called Obrona BlockAds. The two often come hand in hand. And they often sign their names like "Ads by XXX". So it's very easy for you to recognize it.
Infected ways
Usually SASA penetrates into your computer system bundled with fake updates.
The downloading of freeware or shareware may bring you the adware.
It can also hide in Sponsored links, hacked websites and suspicious pop-up ads.
Spam email attachments may also contain it.