Someone tell ASUS to stop price gouging


Staff member
The tariffs are gone once again!

The Office of the United States Trade Representative has reinstated 352 products into its exclusion list, which governs the Chinese imports subject to increased, punitive tariffs as part of the US-China trade war. The revised listing now once again excludes Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) from the added duties. PCBs are used to manufacture motherboards, GPUs, and a range of other electronic components.

The development means PCBs coming from China are now free from the 7.5%-25% additional import duties levied at them, which went into effect in January 2021 when the provisions excluding these products expired. This could, in theory, translate into lower prices for some of the best motherboards and graphics cards. Of course, that's the best case scenario that assumes companies will be passing these savings on to consumers.

Hopefully this helps bring prices back to reality, at least for motherboards.
Doubt prices will ever get back to lower levels. Pandemic has shown that people are idiots.

Agree but I would add that "some are still sane". I know a lot that are not participating in the crazyness that has plagued the computer gaming field.
i bought two ASUS ROG X570 Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) MB's

one on July 2019 and one on March 9, 2022

they increased from 379.99 to $395.00

I can't say 15 bucks is killing it

Asus did go nuts on video cards first and stayed high
Mobos didnt seem too bad. Can get a good x570 for 250$... Its gpus really. Sometimes ram and cpus...
Just gotta wait for the next recession to reset everything. Supply goes up, and demand goes down.
i bought two ASUS ROG X570 Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) MB's

one on July 2019 and one on March 9, 2022

they increased from 379.99 to $395.00

I can't say 15 bucks is killing it

Asus did go nuts on video cards first and stayed high

Most boards that were already out didn't get hit much.

Looking at how ASUS prices the Z590+Z690 series, though.. completely ridiculous. They blamed the tariffs for the huge price hikes.