[SOLVED] catalyst control center wont start?

On my Windows 7 x64 system, that directory gets put here...

C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static

There are 2 files in that directory that will not allow me to delete them until I first rename them (change the .dll to .xxx) reboot into Safemode and then I can delete them. Once I've gotten rid of those 2 files, I can then install CCC and get it working again.
Got the problem too sometimes, I just use "Unlocker" to unlock and delete the files.

On my Windows 7 x64 system, that directory gets put here...

C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static

There are 2 files in that directory that will not allow me to delete them until I first rename them (change the .dll to .xxx) reboot into Safemode and then I can delete them. Once I've gotten rid of those 2 files, I can then install CCC and get it working again.

never had a problem deleting them if you drill down to the actual files. They are in the Core-Static subdirectory.

You need to kill the mom process (or any other amd/ati processes), that will unlock them.

if you try to remove the directory, it sometimes wont let you until the files are gone.
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never had a problem deleting them if you drill down to the actual files. They are in the Core-Static subdirectory.

You need to kill the mom process (or any other amd/ati processes), that will unlock them.

if you try to remove the directory, it sometimes wont let you until the files are gone.

Been there, done that, many, many times.

But, I've installed a totally new system, got it completely Updated and we'll see how it goes from here.
This is an old thread, but it's one of the top search results for "ccc won't run" so I wanted to post another possible solution here. My solution was to clear out the Windows GAC (Global Assembly Cache). In Windows 7, you can browse directly to "C:\Windows\assembly". Sort by "Public Key Token", then delete everything with the Token "90ba9c70f846762e" (ATI's key). You'll obviously need Administrator privileges. No reboot needed either. Reinstalled CCC and it ran perfectly!

The GAC lets you share DLL's that are the same version number. If it's in the GAC, any installer will NOT install a new DLL - it'll use the one in the GAC. If the GAC DLL is corrupted, you're majorly SOL.

When I reinstalled the CCC, it took longer to install then it had before. Presumably, this was due to the installer copying all the correct DLL's to my hard drive. And no ATI DLL's have made it back into my GAC.

To give credit to the original poster, here's the page I found this fix on:


I tried all of the fixes on this thread, save for the one suggesting that I install alternate CCC versions. This fix worked for me and I did not need to reinstall. I could magically run MOM.exe and their new 'vision' control panel, which is essentially a clone of CCC save for a few new options and a new look. All the menus are present, and it opens the task as well. After having reinstalled the driver properly, an added bonus is that I can change the settings where I used to only have battery options.

Thank you, and for those of you uncertain about this solution, I deleted EVERY assembly entry with ATI's token and nothing has gone wrong.
I tried all of the fixes on this thread, save for the one suggesting that I install alternate CCC versions. This fix worked for me and I did not need to reinstall. I could magically run MOM.exe and their new 'vision' control panel, which is essentially a clone of CCC save for a few new options and a new look. All the menus are present, and it opens the task as well. After having reinstalled the driver properly, an added bonus is that I can change the settings where I used to only have battery options.

Thank you, and for those of you uncertain about this solution, I deleted EVERY assembly entry with ATI's token and nothing has gone wrong.

strange, ive never had anyone report deleting the core-static directory was unsuccessful.
my personal solution (which required me 2 days of swearing ) was to simply..
ENABLE 64 BIT .NET (i'm on windows 7 x64)
for some reason the registry key needed for the 64 bit version of the framework was disabled (and CCC requires it)

you need to go to
and edit "Enable64bit" DWORD to 1

Fixed CCC by Cleanly Reinstalling

Fixed CCC by Cleanly Reinstalling

This article may be a little dated, but by following all the steps (except for newer versions of CCC, .NET Framework, and Windows), I successfully got Catalyst Control Center to install correctly and open correctly:


The key is to remove all registry entries with "ATI" or "Catalyst" in them. I also uninstalled the .NET Frameworks and then installed only the .NET Framework version relevant to the CCC install (don't update the .NET Framework even if Windows Update nags you to do so).
This is an old thread, but it's one of the top search results for "ccc won't run" so I wanted to post another possible solution here. My solution was to clear out the Windows GAC (Global Assembly Cache). In Windows 7, you can browse directly to "C:\Windows\assembly". Sort by "Public Key Token", then delete everything with the Token "90ba9c70f846762e" (ATI's key). You'll obviously need Administrator privileges. No reboot needed either. Reinstalled CCC and it ran perfectly!

The GAC lets you share DLL's that are the same version number. If it's in the GAC, any installer will NOT install a new DLL - it'll use the one in the GAC. If the GAC DLL is corrupted, you're majorly SOL.

When I reinstalled the CCC, it took longer to install then it had before. Presumably, this was due to the installer copying all the correct DLL's to my hard drive. And no ATI DLL's have made it back into my GAC.

To give credit to the original poster, here's the page I found this fix on:


It worked!!!
I registered just to say thanks.It worked perfect.All I did was uninstall those DLL's.I didn't have to restart or reinstall anything.I clicked on ccc,the screen flickered for a second & boom.It opened.:D
It worked!!!
I registered just to say thanks.It worked perfect.All I did was uninstall those DLL's.I didn't have to restart or reinstall anything.I clicked on ccc,the screen flickered for a second & boom.It opened.:D

yay me too~~ thanks Chythar


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