Solution to the "INF file not found" when trying to install the new Catalyst driver.


New member
Solution to the "INF file not found" when trying to install the new Catalyst driver.

This is for a PowerColor made card, i don´t know if it will work with others, but i think it would.

1° Download the Omega/Plutonium XK1.0.71
Install them but not the drivers.

2° Install the new Catalyst drivers, you are going to get the tipical "INF file not found". Good, then go to the directory where the catalyst drivers are, and copy this file "CX_04273.inf" (by default, is in this directory: C:\ATI\support\wxp-radeon-6-13-10-6094-efg\Driver\XP).

3° Rename the copyed file to "OMEGPLUT" and put it in the driver´s directory of the Omega/Plutonium, it will ask you if you want to replace it, say yes.

4° Got to this directory "C:\ATI\support\wxp-radeon-6-13-10-6094-efg\Driver\XP\BX_04135" and copy all the files to this one "C:\Archivos de programa\Omega-Plutonium X1.0.71b\AllRadDrv" (the same were the "OMEGPLUT.inf" file is) and replace when it ask you.

5° Now, open the new "OMEGPLUT.inf" file and copy (replace) the following in the ATI.MFG section:


; Hardware Item: Regestry Settings: Device Codes:
"AIW Radeon (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)"= ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_02AA1002, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00291002, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00281002
"AIW Radeon 7500 (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157&SUBSYS_0F2A1002
"AIW Radeon 8500DV (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4242
"Radeon 7000 / VE (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159
"Radeon / 7200 / SE (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144
"Radeon 7500 (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157
"Radeon 8500 / LE (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514C, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_516C, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514E, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514F
"Mobility Radeon (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_M6, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4C59
"Mobility Radeon 7500 (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_M7, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4C57
"Mobility Radeon 7500 GL (Omega/Plutonium X1.0.71b)" = ati2mtag_M7, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4C58
"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_00BA1002
"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_003A1002
"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_000B1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_053A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_01391002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_008A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00391002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00381002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_001A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_001A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_000A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00081002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_01BA1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_013b1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_013A1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_00381002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_000A1002
"RADEON 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157&SUBSYS_013A1002
"RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c&SUBSYS_003a1002
"RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514C&SUBSYS_013A1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_02AA1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00291002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500DV" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4242&SUBSYS_02AA1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157&SUBSYS_0F2A1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514C&SUBSYS_0F2A1002
"Radeon 7200 / Radeon" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144
"Radeon 7000 / Radeon VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159
"Radeon 8500 DV Edition" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4242
"Radeon 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157
"Radeon 8500" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c

Now save it and install the drivers from the Start menu. If you get another error window, copy the .cat file from the Catalyst directory to the Omega/Plutonium one. I think (in fact, i´m almoust sure) that you don´t need the Omega/Plutonium drivers, anyone that worked "would" do it now.

If you still can´t install the drivers, copy this instead of the other:

"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_00BA1002
"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_003A1002
"RADEON 7000" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_000B1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_053A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_01391002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_008A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00391002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00381002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_001A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_001A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_000A1002
"RADEON 7200" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00081002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_01BA1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_013b1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_013A1002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_00381002
"RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159&SUBSYS_000A1002
"RADEON 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157&SUBSYS_013A1002
"RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c&SUBSYS_003a1002
"RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514C&SUBSYS_013A1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_02AA1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144&SUBSYS_00291002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500DV" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4242&SUBSYS_02AA1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157&SUBSYS_0F2A1002
"ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514C&SUBSYS_0F2A1002
"Radeon 7200 / Radeon" = ati2mtag_default, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5144
"Radeon 7000 / Radeon VE" = ati2mtag_RV100, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5159
"Radeon 8500 DV Edition" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4242
"Radeon 7500" = ati2mtag_RV200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5157
"Radeon 8500" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c

6° Now you will start with the 6094 drivers, but with the old D3D tab, OpenGL, etc. So, go to the Catalyst directory and install it normally, of course, you will get the error message but the Catalyst option WILL install.

7° Enjoy your new drivers :)

NOTE: If it doesn´t find the drivers, search for them in the Catalyst directory, this is a better way to be sure that you WILL install the new drivers (6094).
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There is an easier way to fix that problem (without using older drivers)...
Once you run the .exe and the files extract cancel the installation program.
Go into the folder where the stuff extracted and find your .inf file and open it up. Go to the [ATI.mfg] section and find the card that matches yours and delete everything after the & sign.
Change "RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c&SUBSYS_003a1002
"RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE" = ati2mtag_R200, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_514c

Then update your driver manually thru device manager.
Then you can go back and install the new control panel.
Yeah, i tried that, but for some reason it doesn´t work. This was the "easiest" way to fix the problem.

But i think i have just found and a hell lot easier, only copying one file.......
not for the Mobility chips

not for the Mobility chips

tried this with both the BUILT BY and POWERED BY versions of the Catalyst. I get the 6094 driver files, but none of the Catalyst control panels-same old stuff as the 6093's and the Omega/Plutonium sets.

"A" for effort-very well thought out though

Mutilator's suggestion of chopping off the SUBSYS part of the inf key didn't work for me either...
Now you must install the Catalyst version, it doesn´t matter because the drivers won´t install, but the Catalyst options will.

I´m using the Built by version of the program.
Here's how I got mine working. :)

First, I uninstalled my 6073 drivers throught add/remove programs. It asked if I wanted to reboot, and I said no. I then used the reg cleaner that comes with the refresh fix, and booted into XP in safe mode. It found a new adapter, and I pointed it towards CX_04273.inf. After this, I rebooted and let XP load up. The control panel wasn't installed so I started the driver setup, and after the inf error it installed the control panel. Everything works great now. :D

I got a 300 point increase in 3dMark.
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I think all you really need to do is flas your radeon's bios to an official Ati version, if I remember correctly that's 7006, or 4, and also the unnamed bios that's been floating around, 7008 doesnt count
fixes dont work here for inf error

fixes dont work here for inf error

Thank god we can dload the older drivers... better luck next time ati...
ugh bw is bad for older drivers as well...

ugh bw is bad for older drivers as well...

anyone have a mirror for the older drivers?
ok 6071's wouldnt even install...

ok 6071's wouldnt even install...

the ones befre that ver did and things seem fine tho... so far
Yup, I could not get it to work either on a Gigabyte 8500. Funny, I was able to use the other ATI drivers with no problems whatsoever.

If I flash the bios of this card to a ATI card, will the problem go away?
the only way to install catalyst,for me, was to delete all previous drivers and install wxp-ref-7-72-020524m-004274c.exe , which is catalyst for powered-by cards.

Tried flashing bios, manual hardware install ecc without luck.
I just manualy updated the drivers from the dir in which the downloaded exe copys the files .Then i have installed the control panel .
Do u guys think it ok ?I'm askin cause i have ZERO performance increase with catalyst....
Also, you need to run the setup in the "CPanel" folder in order to get the new tabs, as it is what installs them.
if you guys have third party ATI cards just download the reference Catalyst drivers that you get from the Powered By ATI card driver link. They are the same thing. The BuiltBy ATI drivers have check that tests to see if it is a builtby ATI drivers.

If the builtby ati drivers were newer I could see going through all this trouble but they are the same. I'm running them now on my Hercules 8500 LE.

here's the link
New package for Mobility 7500, but...

New package for Mobility 7500, but...

I don't know whether the creators of the Plutonium drivers want me to publish it. I copied all ATI 6094 into the driver dir of the Plutonium drivers and modified the inf.
Now everything works fine and I get 4138 points in 3DMARK2001SE.
With the old 6025 driver set (the latest for my M7) I got 3733.
That's a great increase I think!

If anybody needs help to mod, just email me...

Here's the 3DMARK sheet: