Digital Foundry did a livestream this morning. Looks amazing.
Digital Foundry did a livestream this morning. Looks amazing.
Digital Foundry did a livestream this morning. Looks amazing.
Rumor back in the day was that all parties had agreed to release the game except Nintendo. Apparently Nintendo thought it was entitled to basically 100% of the profit from the game.
Apparently m$ had bent over backward to accommodate Nintendo, including offering to let them release the original Goldeneye on the Wii virtual console without paying any royalties at all, but Nintendo is Nintendo and wouldn't do the obviously right thing.
Nintendo has, from my understanding, always been a nightmare of a company to work with. At least from every account I've read or developer I've heard speak about it.
Reports suggest that the whole game was cancelled in nearly complete state, on the whim of one unnamed Nintendo executive.
Just me? Or is this kinda allot of Nintendo related leaks of games that never got released as of late?
I'm counting 2. You'll notice that I named both threads similarly![]()
Well it's just these rarely happen at all, where we get an unreleased/cancelled game, and now we get two in a fairly short period and both are related to things Nintendo prevented from release. It's kinda awesome
Thanks for the posts SubCog![]()
Sounds like Goldeneye is incoming in the next few weeks. Rumor that it's going to hit both Xbox and switch. Why? Because Iwata is dead. Geez, as much as I love that guy, he really screwed this up massively. RIP.
I wonder if this is going to be the Xbox360 version, or something remastered even more? I'd love to play this on my 360.
I also wonder if this might be because of the Activision acquisition. It gives ms a ton of leverage to negotiate these kinds of things. "You want CoD? Hey, remember that time you told us that our Goldeneye remaster could go screw itself?"