So I cut the cord...


New member
After just a hair under 20 years, finally cut the cord with cable,
because unfortunately, content is very poor, channels mostly featuring
reality TV of all sorts...

Having said this, can you recommend a WebTV box?

I need something that will work with a wireless keyboard and trackpad,
and output 1080P. I have no need or use for 4K.

Thanks for the suggestions :)
Are you able to stream 1080P stuff?

A reviewer demonstrated that all apps, including Youtube max out at 720P...

Otherwise this is exactly what I am looking for :D
Are you able to stream 1080P stuff?

A reviewer demonstrated that all apps, including Youtube max out at 720P...

Otherwise this is exactly what I am looking for :D

Well, some feeds say they are 1080P. Are they? Not sure. Mostly looking for... no spending money.
The latest Roku does just about everything. Between that, Apple TV 4, and an XBox One S all my media needs are met.
I believe that android box is rooted, and I am pretty sure netflix and youtube, along with other streaming apps will detect the root or your specific model and limit the output resolution. If you get your hands dirty, you can probably get around it, though there is always a risk of bricking or messing something up.
The NUC and Minx definitely are interesting because they run a full Win 10 OS.

As for the ODroid, how is it different from another Android TV?
I may be finally canceling my cable TV even though I wasn't planning to yet.

When I moved I had to switch to Comcast because my previous provider FiOS wasn't in my new town. When I signed up for the promo rate it was nice, but quickly shot up after the first year. Naturally I called to see what discounts they'd be willing to add to keep my bill reasonable, and they gave me some bundle discounts for another year that kept my bill in the $150 range which was acceptable for my budget.

Well now that discount has run out and my bill is going up to $200 so I call again to see what I can do. Talked to two different reps that could not help me at all aside from a $10 off discount on my DVR rentals. I then ask to get transferred to their customer retention department, speak to a mouth breather there who also does not have any way to help me. So I then start explaining how it maybe finally time to cut the cord and try going to the streaming services and that I'll call back after discussing it with my family, thinking maybe that would trigger some desperate try to keep a customer. Nope! The guy wishes me well and disconnects the call! :lol:

This was yesterday so going to try to call back this morning and hope to get someone else more helpful. If not though, we're going to cancel. I just refuse to pay $200 or more for TV and internet. Not going to happen. I already researched and keeping our 100Mb/s connection and just subbing to Sling TV blue + Hulu we can get 99% of our regular content for $80 less than if I stuck with Comcast.
You can always go Nvidia shield TV, unless you are looking for this player to come with 'certain' apps.


Love mine, PLUS it's one of the only devices that does 4k support for almost everything.

And you can tinker to enable "other" stuff :bleh2:
Called Comcast about an hour ago and the rep I got today reinstated for another 12 months the bundle discount that just ran out.

Yes it's true. If one day you call and don't get the answer you want just call back and a different person might give a better result.
call! :lol:

This was yesterday so going to try to call back this morning and hope to get someone else more helpful. If not though, we're going to cancel. I just refuse to pay $200 or more for TV and internet. Not going to happen. I already researched and keeping our 100Mb/s connection and just subbing to Sling TV blue + Hulu we can get 99% of our regular content for $80 less than if I stuck with Comcast.

If you can do Dish where you live, they have a pretty good "flex pack" that we just "downgraded" to a while ago.. almost no channels that I miss. Tack in an internet only service and profit.
If you can do Dish where you live, they have a pretty good "flex pack" that we just "downgraded" to a while ago.. almost no channels that I miss. Tack in an internet only service and profit.

Actually last night my wife and I were looking at Dish. The price is great even after the promo period ends, but we ultimately decided not to go with them simply because we had satellite in the past with Directv and didn't want to go back to having a dish on the roof and the possibility of outages again due to weather/lightning, which was something we did deal with occasionally before.

I'm happy with my current package from Comcast. I'm paying $150 for the preferred channel lineup with 100Mb/s internet. If I were to cut the cord but keep this connection speed and go with streaming options, I'd have to spend around $120 to get all the same content (including my net connection). For $20 more from Comcast its worth the convenience. BUT, if they ever stop giving me the discounts to keep my bill at this amount I will cancel. I wont pay more than what I pay now.
we're paying $120 to comcast for the digital starter + blast pro (240 down). we'll be looking at cord cutting again next year when our current contract is up... unless comcast works some pricing magic.
we're paying $120 to comcast for the digital starter + blast pro (240 down). we'll be looking at cord cutting again next year when our current contract is up... unless comcast works some pricing magic.

The first thing you'll likely notice after cutting the cord is, how little you actually watched. And how much you don't NEED to watch something.

I used to think I'd never be able to get away from ESPN and other shows. Nope, was a piece of cake.

I barely watch any television anymore, outside of a couple of shows (which I mostly stream directly from the apps or websites). Barely even watch OTA tele anymore.
The first thing you'll likely notice after cutting the cord is, how little you actually watched. And how much you don't NEED to watch something.

I used to think I'd never be able to get away from ESPN and other shows. Nope, was a piece of cake.

I barely watch any television anymore, outside of a couple of shows (which I mostly stream directly from the apps or websites). Barely even watch OTA tele anymore.

This is what I keep trying to convince my wife of. She just doesn't buy it though.

Live TV is a security blanket for her. Even when she's not watching she just likes to have TV on in the background.

TV is a funny thing. I notice people tend to watch a crap movie in its entirety just because it happens to be on, yet would scroll past that movie on the Netflix menu or any other streaming service a thousand times and never touch it. There's something intangible to some people about traditional TV. Almost like its been wired into us from an early age. We need to let go of it.