So an old email got hacked... Maybe...


New member
Hey guys, my old excite email I use for spam risk interactions like Samsung suport, etc got hacked, maybe.

I got an email asking for 746$ in bitcoin (He did not specify the currency) if not
he will sent my web browser list to my contacts. Funny thing I have no contacts
on my puter itself unless he assumes my Excite contacts which are worthless.

The funny thing is that the password he provided is correct except for not capitalizing letters correctly.

What is your take on this? It would have been much more credible if he email me from inside my account, instead of (a randomly generated email address).

So my take is he got a list somewhere from a spam website ad is phishing for money.

Any ideas?
Hey guys, my old excite email I use for spam risk interactions like Samsung suport, etc got hacked, maybe.

I got an email asking for 746$ in bitcoin (He did not specify the currency) if not
he will sent my web browser list to my contacts. Funny thing I have no contacts
on my puter itself unless he assumes my Excite contacts which are worthless.

The funny thing is that the password he provided is correct except for not capitalizing letters correctly.

What is your take on this? It would have been much more credible if he email me from inside my account, instead of (a randomly generated email address).

So my take is he got a list somewhere from a spam website ad is phishing for money.

Any ideas?
Tell the gai to go take a long walk off a short highway :yep:
Probs snatched yer chainsaw from the collective dumps and is trying for a quick payday.

also ..oooo cow..


Also damn it rage y u no support emoji you broke corn whistle I'm trying to make a joke here >:E
Also guessing they scraped the treasure trove of dumped passwords. I have a bunch of them in my spam folder, all worded roughly the same, with the same threat of sending all my pics from my non existent webcam to my non existent contacts. The password that is given is real but long since changed, Lastpass password history is a neat feature that lets you nail down exactly who stored your password poorly. I think my two recent ones were dumped from nexus mods and adobe.
This is why I always hash my password now. You never know when a site gets hacked and this way all the hacker gets is a jumbled string of nonsense that works nowhere else. I say if he didn't send from your email he doesn't have access to it. Maybe try to log in and change the password if it's too similar?

I'd say the motivation is the same as the Nigerian prince, etc. Some people fall for this stuff. Say you did have something embarrassing on your computer, and you weren't that tech savvy and the guy really had your password... You can see how someone would believe it.

Personally, even if I found myself in a situation where someone could leak embarrassment porn links or something, I'd still just say no. Then I'd either just deny it to anyone who asks (say the guy is just making it up) or say, "Yeah I looked at some porn, big deal."
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If he posted your password then I'd bet he probably did hack your email. But I'm confused as to how he got your web browser information? To me it sounds like he got access to your email and is bluffing you for payment.

Can you not recover the account? Did you provide a secondary email?

Can you recover your account here?

Also, I didn't even know excite were still around. This boggles my mind.
You guys are way overthinking this:lol:

Unless MasterGoa made the cardinal sin of using the same password for multiple sites and for his email, then nobody hacked anything. Seriously, go check you email address against

If your email address comes up as pwned, I would almost bet you have a very similar email waiting for you in your spam folder. If his email was really hacked, the very first thing that would have been done is to change the password, and make attempts at changing the recovery email if it is even implemented.

Plus, he has left out some important details that would have this start to make sense. Spoofing email addresses is a piece of cake, and some spam emails even prey on this saying they are using your own account to send the email to yourself.
Indeed, all my passwords are different with special characters and caps/lowercase.
And the email was totally like you said DD, webcam pics I do not have, etc.

I guess he was indeed a scavenger.
Classic "sextortion" scam. While the password the hacker has may be correct, that doesn't mean it's being exploited.

This happened to me a couple months ago, I got an email that said "hey, your password is ******, right? I hacked your pr0nhub session and have video of you jacking it to some nasty s***."

I showed the email to some friends and we all had a good laugh over it :lol: I was half tempted to reply with a "try it ******".


Invalidate all existing login sessions if you can, just in case, and change your password, never use that one again as that password is permanently part of the hackers "try these" lists.
Haha, it is exactly example 2, except not about p0rn, simply that he sent a malware through my email. O.o
I deleted the email but it would have been fun it the BT account was the same :bleh: