Smat started topic about age, here is part II


New member
So, Smat asked how old we are, where we work.

I'm going to ask:

How old we are, when ATi will release new drivers?

I'm student, but I think when drivers are released, I have wife, kids...

I've been there looong time.. never posted anything, now I decided.

My friend warned me about ATi & it lousy drivers, cards. I readed many, many articles about Radeon, and ordered it. I have had it for like 3 months now. Damn, my friend was right, good thing is that he don't read these forums...


I'm getting a little bit tired from all those "when will new drivers come/ATI driver support s****"
Seems like everyother post has to be on this topic, well hell.. i know a lot of people think ATI support s****
There are a lot of topics concering this where you are able to vent your thoughts/emotions, no need to start new topics over and over again.

BTW, ATI still has newer drivers on their site compared to the nvidia drivers on their site. nvidia leaked only 1 major driver change (the 7.x) in the last months, ATI did the same thing (the 70**)
this stuff belongs in off topic area. and are you sure you really read radeon articles or you only readed them? :D