


SmartGart not SmartGuard

"SmartGart configures the system automatically. This is all done behind the scenes, helping to insure that the system performance is both optimal and stable."

you'll never see it
To the one above my post !

Fastwrites isn't supported by Ati ! :(

So turning it on doesn't do anything for ya !

bleagh said:
Um, noticed fastwrites is turned off on my computer...
Anybody tried turning this on?

I have it turned on by default and it makes no difference. There is no option to turn it off in my bios but I can disable it via Powerstrip.
groundhog said:
To the one above my post !

Fastwrites isn't supported by Ati ! :(

So turning it on doesn't do anything for ya !


Yes, fastwrites are supported by the Radeon 8500. Why in the world would the SmartGart utility have an option to turn it on if no ATI products supported it ? :hmm:

Hmmm, strange.
I tried turning on fastwrites with SmartGART, but even though all
my hardware (yes, including the Radeon 8500) supports it, it is
turned off after the SmartGART test. I guess maybe it's not
supported by the Win98 drivers...?
smartgart disables features that it concludes will cause instabilities. Perhaps your motherboard or system in some way are not perfectly compatible.
I am running 2 systems with 8500 cards (AIW 8500DV on a KT133a-based mobo and a 128mb AIW 8500 on an Intel 845-based mobo). On the KT133a board, fastwrites are automatically disabled by the smartgart utility and on the intel board, they are enabled. I figure I will trust the utility (particularly since fastwrites don't make any difference to performance, based on my benches using 3dmark2k1SE).
You can't trust the utility to determine whatever it thinks is best because ATI can't identify with certain hardware. Pure BS.
Genius just because you think something is one way doesnt mean it is

When it reboots it does a test to look for certain conditions

if they exist it disables that option

nothing new been happening since computers were vacuum tube machines

if x=0 run
if x=1 dont run

basic binary is what everything is run by

1s and 0s. It either works or it doesnt smartgart just does that on a higher level is all
SmartGart? heh not that smart...!

It set my AGP Read (or something like that) OFF. AHAHA!!!
Enjoy windows' Slideshow!!
My old 486 was faster... !

But now, I re-enabled it.. hehe looks better!