Should the GL_COLOR_ARRAY work?

It works in my programs. I use it in the ATI_vertex_array_object extension, however, and not the EXT_vertex_array extension. Same job, different implementation.
Yes, it should definitely work. I would suggest finding some sample code which uses it and compare your code to that. Additionally, vertex arrays are generally quite orthogonal so whatever you're doing with the other arrays (in terms of allocation, dealing with data types, stride etc) should also be done with color array.

Im just using it with the normal glDrawElements() with all the normal setup stuff. Compared to some of my old code which worked with my ol' Geforce DDR... That was some time ago, mayby I forgot something...

Well, back to work. Nothing that a rewrite wouldnt fix :)
Are you certain it's the color array that is wrong? Could it be that something "downstream" like a bug in the pixel shader or multitexture code isn't letting you see the colors? Try a simple pixel shader or multitexturing to just pass through the primary color.

I abandoned the color array and did it with texturing... Less bandwidth consumption and mayby nicer visual quality...

Anyways, Im not gonna touch any shaders via OGL and Im just starting with the multitexturing, so that's not it. But no matter.