I'll be specific about what happened. There's a section in Act 3 where you start at the "bottom" and have to work your way up to the top. There's a series of consoles on each floor to interact with in order to unlock something in a key you're carrying. Each console has a series of mini steps / mini puzzles to do before you can even get to it, and after activating will throw some enemies at you.
These enemies need 5 hits from your "straw weapon". Meaning you have to get close and poke it 5 times with your straw before it dies, all the while trying to avoid the spit acid attacks they have. Every time you poke you have to wait several seconds for the weapon to recharge, you can only do a maximum of two pokes one after another in a full charge. Meanwhile you move like you're stuck in sand and these things not only move quickly, but use cheesy prediction algorithms to throw their acid attacks. If you get hit a good chunk of your health is taken away. By the time you get to the top floor and activate the last console the game throws 4 of these enemies at you. I died and had to start from the bottom again....
What's raging is that the game basically has a "save anywhere" system if you go to menu. Doesn't matter where you are, if you go to menu the game saves your exact location so you can resume where you left off next time. But once you die, this save is erased on purpose. I mean, the what the actual **** were the devs thinking?