Say Goodbye to Plasma


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Samsung SDI says to end plasma panel display production

SEOUL (Reuters) - Samsung SDI Co Ltd said on Tuesday that it will shut down its plasma panel production business, citing the decline in overall demand for plasma display panel televisions.

Samsung SDI, in a statement, said it will concentrate its resources on growing its energy and materials businesses. The firm plans to end all plasma display operations by November 30.,0,1882244.story

There's LG of coarse but I'm sure they'll follow shortly.

I'm still rocking a 2009 1080p panny plasma. I wasn't really in the market for a TV just yet but I just picked up a 51" 5300 Samsung from B&H($547, shipped) because of this news. I personally just love the IQ of plasma tech. I'm not making the mistake like I did when Panasonic made their announcement. I thought prices would reduce when they doubled.
Still have my Panny from 2012 and love it. On a side note I just happen to be watching Frozen with my two year old while visiting my parents in Florida. We watched it on my old Sony Trinitron CRT tv and I got to say....


Holy cow do they look good. Cannot believe LCD and Plasma's have been out this long and haven't even come close to the black levels of a crt.
I'm not making the mistake like I did when Panasonic made their announcement. I thought prices would reduce when they doubled.

I missed out on the last Pioneer Kuro's, but I managed to grab a 65VT60 for the lowest price Amazon ever sold it for :lol:.

It's nice knowing I can sell the TV used for more than I bought it new.
I missed out on the last Pioneer Kuro's, but I managed to grab a 65VT60 for the lowest price Amazon ever sold it for :lol:.

It's nice knowing I can sell the TV used for more than I bought it new.

Yeah, I had one of the current panny plasmas in my Amazon wish list watching the price keep dropping before Panasonic's announcement. I was going to jump on it when I thought it was at it's lowest but then the announcement happened. I still thought it would drop further being they were now discontinued. I was wrong lol. I'm not sure if the Sammy's will jump in price but I'm not taking the chance.

I'm just worried that the 51" may not be big enough. I only say that because we're in the process of moving but I don't get the keys until Aug 1st. I'll have a living-room and faimly-room now but I'm not sure how the viewing areas are going to play out. My panny plasma is only 42" in a rather large living-room and tbh it's fine for me. I'm just not a big video/audio buff and don't spend too much time in front of the set. I thought about the 60" but I read it's not a true 1080p(pentile). The Samsung 64" plasma is a true 1080p set but I think it would just be way to big. For $547 I'm not going to sweat the 51" decision.
Glad I picked up my Samsung F5300 about a month or so ago. Even then, it was already starting to get hard to find a Plasma that wasn't a top end unit.
So my 51" arrived yesterday. Of coarse there's a huge dent in the back of the box and sure enough there's a big dent on the back of the tv. Off it goes back.
Try number 2, the set is just wasted from shipping. Worse than the first. Looks like I'll have to buy locally :(
Yeah, strangely enough the box looks perfect but the Styrofoam housing is just shattered. As is the TV. The panel is separated from the frame.

UPS. :bleh:

I managed to locally pick up a Samsung F5500 series to replace my F5300 series, for less than I paid just a month ago for my F5300 series. Unadvertised sale ftw :D
actually Microcenter has the 60 inch LG plasma Smart TV for 599. I might go get that 60 inch though it might be too big. I don't know because I'm in the process of moving. this TV will only be set up at the new house and we're only closing next Friday so I'm essentially buying blind
Just got back with the LG 60" from microcenter. $636 otd

The 51" just looked sooo small next to it in the store lol. But the 51" is a nice step up from my 42".

but this box looks effing huge in my house.

We're not moving till next week so I won;t even have it out of the box for a week or two :(.
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Sounds like a good deal, especially now that people are trying to scoop the plasmas up.

When I pulled in to microcenter there was one guy loading one in his suv. I walked in and 2 guys were standing in the check out with this set. They were selling fast.