What means "well" for you mastergoa...
There are a couple of "wells" depending on the perspective...
Let's analyze a couple that comes to my mind and others may add more...
1st "well" that i usual had until yesterday:
just scroll through the games benchies and just focus on 1080p for performance between 390x and fury (this is the rx480 position)...You will see that NOW in date 11/06/2016 the majority of games can sustain 60fps at 1080p or around this value...Ask youself do you want 60fps constant ?
2nd "well" is ... 60FPS at 1080p and a bit future proof ...
Things here gets intersting...THere are some new games and of course Crysis 3 that can't sustain 60fps in 1080p and with time there will be less game sthat can maintain 60fps in 1080p unless the DX12 may bring really huge stuff to the table...
3rd "well" If 1080p can't be runned fully then 1440p there are less games that can be runned around 60fps...The question is are you alright with 40fps or 50fps or 30fps ? Varying ...
4th "well" ... people get a fancy tn with .... 144hz or 120hz ... what you do then ? 1080p games that can sustain 144 or 120 fps get substatially slim ...
and as a matter of fact the route for 1080p and a bit of futureproofing and a bit of stability around 60fps is ... gtx 1070 as you will see in the review
OR ... seduce KAC to send you a 980TI for free ...
As much as i love what AMD want to create for my usual 3 years cycle i have to go one notch above...My 1080p gameplay will actually get more demanding in the comming years...I love high-ending at 1080p ...
HD6950 quantum jump to 1070 gtx