RW1 & Mouse Click Buttons?


New member
:( Hope someone here is still using RW1 and can check this out for me... Here's the problem:
:rolleyes: I've just noticed something strange in the behaviour of the two buttons that simulate left/right mouse clicks... All the other buttons on the RW1 I press lite up the light on the remote instantlly, without delay, at the same moment I press down the button. The light then lasts only as long as I hold down the pressed RW1 button...
:( BUT, the left and right mouse click buttons seem to have a different behaviour all together... For the light on RW1 to lite up when I press those two buttons I have to wait for about half a second or so after I actually pressed the button down... This delay becomes really obvious when I press and let go those buttons really quickly. Then the light turns on only after I've finished pressing the button. This wouldn't be such a drag, it wouldn't be a drag at all, if only that didn't (I think this is the reason) cause the RW1 not to work that great when it comes to mouse clicks... You see when I try to press a button in WinAmp (like the shuffle button) it will, on screen, indicate that it was pressed (it will bevel down) and it seems it will even toggle its status when its down (on screen the light in the shuffle button will turn off). But that same button will on its way up just toggle back its status... Its like I double clicked the button, but I know I didn't... Same story repeats itself when it comes to tabs in my browser, I try to click on a tab, but instead of the browser switching the view to the clicked tab, it will close itself, cause once again my single click of it has been interpreted as a double click?!
:mad: The only way I can beat this problem is to hold down the mouse click button, wait for the RW1 light to start up, at which point the button or tab on screen will bevel down, then use the 8-direction pad to move the cursor off the button and only then let go of the pressed RW1 mouse click button?! That will simulate a single click on a tab/winamp button for sure...
:confused: I should also say that the windows explorer mouse clicking works just fine. I mean no single click there is interpreted as a double click, ever (when it comes to clicking files or folders at least)... Guess there's something there compensating the delayed signal transmission, or something like that...

:hmm: Does anyone else has a simmilar problem, I'm using the newest (about box says driver version 2.4?!) drivers... Not sure if this was a problem under 1.x drivers, since I used those for a day or so and couldn't notice the problem?! I don't think that the RW1 is broken, since I'm pretty sure ATI made it delay for mouse clicking, so they could distinguish double clicks from single ones (my light on RW1 doesn't lite up twice when I double click, at least I don't notice it does)... But this is annoying behaviour never-the-less, so is there some solution for it (I suspect one could make a plugin that would move the mouse click to other RW1 buttons, but I'm not sure would it help me)..?! Hope that I don't have to buy a RW2, spend more money to replace what I already have... :( TIA

I've noticed one difference in between the 1.x and 2.3/2.4 drivers, and that is the typematic rate of the left/right/up/down arrow buttons on RW1 has been decreased (why?!)...
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Here are two captures I did with a HyperCam program...


The first one is when I position my mouse cursor on top of a winamp (5.03a classic skin) shuffle button and single click the left mouse click button on my RW1...

The second one is when I also position my mouse cursor on top of a winamp (5.03a classic skin) shuffle button, but I then press & hold down the left mouse click button on RW1, then I use the RW1's 8-direction pad to move the mouse cursor off the shuffle button... Only after that I let go the RW1 mouse click button!!!

Those red stars u can see in the AVIs were made by the HyperCam program upon mouse click events... I tried to up the framerate so I could confirm that in the first avi there were actually two mouse clicks but the program couldn't take it (don't ask me why)... Although you don't see two clicks in the first AVI they have to be there, don't they? Also, notice the strange second click that occurs once I let go of the mouse click button in the second AVI...