RW 1.4 DRIVER only


New member
Is there any way just to get the Remote Wonder 1.4 driver only???

I don't want MMC8 as it won't work with my card.

Come on ATI put RW 1.4 on your web site!!!!

If anyone knows where I can get RW 1.4 (on its own) let me know.


Is it correct that the RW 1.4 Drivers are only vailable with some new not-yet-released MMC? 8 or 8.1 or something? (Don't use MMC myself, and can only recommend ZoomPlayer to those who do ;))
But err, they are not legally available yet, correct???

RW1.4 came with my AIW9700Pro...maybe when MMC8.1 is publicly released, you will see the new RW too.
According to Stephen Orr, MMC 8.1 is finished, and will be release in a couple of weeks. It will include Remote Wonder Drivers 1.4.....

Be patient :)