You can try to play Outriders with some higher world tiers and get your ass handed to you if you want it that bad.
I know you think that difficulty level is all this is about, and that's why I haven't been responding to your posts.
It's not.
You can try to play Outriders with some higher world tiers and get your ass handed to you if you want it that bad.
My TV would be broken if I ever bought this Maybe I will buy at bargain bin price.
Texting back and forth with Cyko his eyes probably rolled so hard at my raging he hurt himself
Hell no. That was the funniest sh*t I’ve read in a while.
You could be the best player in the world, but if the RNG decides to fck you it’s better to just bend over and take it then start a new run. It’s a great game, but VERY unforgiving.
Isn't this a souls-like difficulty IP?
Beautiful game ruined by stupid game mechanics.
Wish there were patches to correct dev mistakes.
Its a rogue-like. I don't like this game genre either but that doesn't mean they're not good games - just not for me.
You and I can look at a game objectively though. Some others…..can’t
Yep, KAC is a perpetual 12 year old.
Returnal looks so cool and has some game mechanics that I would probably enjoy. But from what I've seen the issue I have with it is runs seem like they would take too long and deter the addiction factor that is important in the rogue genre. Necessary weapon proficiency grinding I imagine can slow the pacing down and I don't think I'd be wanting to jump back in for a new run right away if I died pretty far in.
This is ultimately the main issue I have with rogue-likes in general, and if its exacerbated in Returnal that just makes it even more of a hard pass for me. I just don't have the time to invest in this sort of gametype. Everything else about it looks fantastic though.