Remote Wonder wake from Hibernate?


New member
I am looking for a way to enable my Remote Wonder to awaken the computer from the hibernate state.

In device manager, I have unchecked the box on the USB hub so that the computer doesn't turn off the USB device when hibernating, but it still doesnt work.

Any ideas?

Running Windows XP SP1


remote wonder can`t awake your computer from hibernate or shutdown-ed compuer becouse this can work only on motherboards that suport "wake on usb activity" or something like that in their BIOS, this you can`t do with software/OS "like windows", windows can only wake up your PC from "stand by".

Sorry this are facts, and I did not seen yet motherboard with "wake on usb activity" in BIOS so if somewhone seen this motherboard let me know :-)))
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Many ASUS motherboards support this. I built one for my sisters but cannot remember offhand what motherboard I used. You have to go into the BIOS and set the power options to do it. You also have to go into the device manager in windows and allow the device to wake the computer.
tai said:
remote wonder can`t awake your computer from hibernate or shutdown-ed compuer becouse this can work only on motherboards that suport "wake on usb activity" or something like that in their BIOS, this you can`t do with software/OS "like windows", windows can only wake up your PC from "stand by".

Sorry this are facts, and I did not seen yet motherboard with "wake on usb activity" in BIOS so if somewhone seen this motherboard let me know :-)))

ASUS A7N8X can wake (from power off) from USB /gabbe
I have a problem with my a7n8x & remote wonder. When my computer is turn off, remote wonder can't awake it.
Remote wonder is power on when pc is shutdown. And I have go into the Bios and set the power options.