Remote wonder/Radeon7000/TV Wonder conflicts in ATI's statements


New member
Hey everyone, I just built an HTPC system, using a Radeon 7000, TV Wonder, and a Remote Wonder.

The reason I use the TV wonder, and not an AIW card, is because I wanted to use "theater mode" to catch the WDM overlay from TV wonder and put it full screen on my s-video output on the radeon, to my television set.

Works great. But the TV wonder only works with ATI MMC 7.1, and the remote wonder only works with ATI MMC 7.5 or higher.

ATI states in the remote wonder FAQ:

Q6: Will the REMOTE WONDER™ control my TV WONDER™ product?
A6: The REMOTE WONDER™ will control limited features of ATI's TV WONDER™ product, such as channel number entry and volume control

But this is wrong, because you need 7.1 for the TV wonder, and 7.5 or higher for Remote Wonder

installing MMC 7.6 or 7.7 do not give me a TV tuner option, under custom installation. I do have the TVwon card working, as I separated the MMC 7.1 files from the driver files, and I can use my TV Wonder all day long with separate software, like dScaler.

Any ideas or recommendations?

If you are are saying you got the TV wonder because you want to use the TV out and project the TV program on the televisions using theatre mode, then I am afraid I dont' understand. My AIW 7500 can do that just fine. No remote conflicts either. MY suggestion would be to get an AIW card to replace the TV wonder.
actually, the goal here, is to use a VGA monitor as my primary display, which will show a small preview window, the player application, and the controls, while using theater mode to pipe out full resolution, unobstructed video to my television.

The other reason I want to use a non-AIW card, is because while I use the VGA monitor to make adjustments and settings, I would also like to use the DVI to component adapter for HD output (I know, I will probably need a radeon 8500 or higher HD output to work).

But the AIW cards, according to ATI support, can't display live TV overlay in a window on the primary output, and full screen on the S output.

Furthermore, the AIW cards can't drive a VGA monitor and a component signal, because of the single output on a DVI port. (the AIW 9700 might be able to do this).

I just finished using a hauppauge PVR PCI card, which couldn't do this due to the fact that it only supports VfW tuning, and not WDM. In timeshift mode, the ATI card would fullscreen the Mpeg2 to my televison.
Using theatre mode on my card, I can use the overlay to display the tv program without any problems. I think ATI is planning on releasing a new TV wonder. Maybe that will support MMC 7.5 or above for your remote to work.
new tv wonder card?

new tv wonder card?

any other details on the new tv wonder card? Is ati ever planning on releasing an ATSC tuner?
goto the tv wonder forum

goto the tv wonder forum

there's an article there about how to use newer MMC's with your tv wonder. I'm running 7.7 with it right now.
The instructions posted for installing a TV wonder with a radeon card, using MMC7.7, included installing a modified version of 7.6. MMC 7.6 for the Radeon 8500AIW, which is no longer avalible. Only version 7.7 is listed under the 8500AIW now. If I try the modifications to the ini file, and replace the inx file, the MMC software installation becomes completely corrupt.

The beta 7.6 MMC release for the TV wonder causes my system to freeze when I load the TV app, while dscaler and other tuner apps can use it fine all day long.

Oh, I didn't realize that there were issues with 7.6 and the TV Wonder. Even though it is a beta version it has worked perfectly for me. I guess I'm just lucky.