Remote wonder not being recognized by receiver?


New member
I'm on Windows 2000.

Here's my problem:

I installed Remote Wonder 1.1 software then restarted then installed Remote Wonder 1.2 software. Receiver was not plugged into USB port at that time.

After 1.2 installation, I plugged in the receiver into the USB port. Red light on receiver is on continuously, indicating USB power and driver for the receiver was automatically installed/enabled.

Then I tried to use the Remote Wonder. Nothing happens. I don't know what the problem is. It looks like the receiver is not recognizing the presence of the Remote Wonder.

The Remote Wonder icon shows up on the taskbar (next to the clock) when the receiver is plugged in. Device Manager is telling me that the device is working properly.

Did anyone have a similar problem?

One thing that I did notice in the Device Manager is that the driver is unsigned. Is this the cause of the problem? I assumed that it was the problem and tried to get Win2K to use a different driver supplied in the ATI Remote Wonder software. But I can't tell if Win2K actually did the change because the REmote Wonder still doesn't work.

PLEASE HELP!! I really like the Digital VCR feature and would like to use it. My wife is complaining to me about using the mouse to change channels instead of the remote!!
you put the batteries in ? ;-P there's a ID config in the options tab - you tried getting it to recognise with that? I don't think the driver not signed is important. lastly, you tried reinstall with it plugged in first?
Captain Beige said:
you put the batteries in ? ;-P there's a ID config in the options tab - you tried getting it to recognise with that? I don't think the driver not signed is important. lastly, you tried reinstall with it plugged in first?

Yeah the batteries are in. When I press any button on the remote, the red LED on the remote lights up.

Regarding the ID config, I uninstalled 1.2 and 1.1 and then re-installed 1.1 again (without plugging in). I stopped there and I can't find ID configuration on 1.1 so I assume that it will accept any ID number.

No I have not tried to re-install 1.1 with the remote plugged in first. Will that help?

I got the remote and receiver as part of the AIW Radeon 8500DV package.
yep, I think it's best having the reciever plugged in when you install. just seems better thing to do. eg you don't install sound card drivers then plug it in. I don't know about the ID being in 1.1, but it's in 1.2. the default is to accept all anyway.
Captain Beige said:
yep, I think it's best having the reciever plugged in when you install. just seems better thing to do. eg you don't install sound card drivers then plug it in. I don't know about the ID being in 1.1, but it's in 1.2. the default is to accept all anyway.

OK, I uninstalled 1.1 and uninstalled the receiver hardware and restarted. Naturally, Win2K asked me to find the hardware driver after restart.

So what I did was re-install 1.1 while the receiver was plugged-in and restarted.

It's still the same. Nothing is happening when I press anything on the remote.

Any suggestions? Tips? Thanks.
Someone mentioned in a new thread that they could not get the receiver installed in Win2K. He returned the receiver back to the place where he bought it and got another one. The new one worked fine.

Is it possible that my receiver or my remote is defective/faulty? WOuld that explain the problem I'm having?
In which application have you tried the remote ?
In an ATI application ?

An easy test : open Explorer and press the bi red button. It should pop up a window asking you to close or not Explorer.
Otherwise, there's definetly a problem !

Remember that only few applications support the remote by default.... Maybe try with winamp as a plugin is bundled with the remote software. If the play / stop buttons have no effect, you're in trouble :-(

Not sure it will help you, but I'm trying to ...
remotew said:
In which application have you tried the remote ?
In an ATI application ?

An easy test : open Explorer and press the bi red button. It should pop up a window asking you to close or not Explorer.
Otherwise, there's definetly a problem !

Remember that only few applications support the remote by default.... Maybe try with winamp as a plugin is bundled with the remote software. If the play / stop buttons have no effect, you're in trouble :-(

Not sure it will help you, but I'm trying to ...

I tried to use it in Windows itself, while WIndows is in focus. The mouse pointer does not move at all. I pressed all the buttons and there is no response. I even tried it in the TV application and no response. It's as if nothing is being sent from the remote to the receiver or the receiver is ignoring the remote!
there should be a problem then...
I would suggest you to ask your reseller another for another remote. But maybe someone else have an idea ??
I solved the problem. I got a replacement remote wonder and receiver and both worked beautifully. Apparently, I got a defective or faulty remote wonder or receiver. Thanks for all your help!