Remote Wonder 1.4

Guys - this is against the rules. Please take this to email and do not discuss the trading of the ATI software on this board. An updated version will be released soon that will work with the older cards.


you are correct, i didn't mean to violate the rules. it's just very frustrating, that they take $65 now, but by the time the remote works it'll only cost $45. (who charges $15 for shipping???!) i love how they profit off beta customers (it may not be labeled such, but this is clearly not ready for prime-time)
jawgee said:
Wow! That's really cool! I wonder if this would allow for recording using mulitple instances of MMC - 1 (or more) in background recording mode, & 1 while watching TV in overlay mode???

This would make the AIW a real advantage over any TiVo, if it actually worked.

Sorry, forget your hopes. By hardware any AIW is restricted to one tuner. So if you record one channel, you can't view another.
That's the new feature MulTView (in AIW9700 and 9000), so you can add a TV-Wonder PCI card to get the second tuner. But that restricts also to record one, and view another channel. No recording of 2 channels simultaniously. (Correct me, if I'm wrong)

BTW, main feature of MMC8 is using the pixel shaders to add filters to capturing, which seems to be (according to the tests I read...) really good to remove noise and smoothen the image.
Yeah, you're probably right, but one thing I scratch my head over is MMCs/AIWs surf mode. You can actually see multiple channels displayed on the screen at one time. If the AIW can "show" mulitple channels, why can't it record multiple channels, if the computer was fast enough to achieve this, of course?:confused:

I got MMC 8.0 a while ago, the only part of it that I could use was the RW 1.4 software. I haven't looked at the features though.
Jawgee,surf mode is still only hitting 1 channel at a time,it
just displays a freeze frame of all others.
Ah, thanks for the clarification, gtrz. Guess you can tell I don't use surf mode that often.:D

Welp, multiple tuners (dual tuners, at the very least) really ought to be a part of an AIW. I was really disappointed to hear that the new AIW9700 did not have this feature. GuessI could always get a separate PCI capture card, but God knows what sort of problems I'd run into with video conflicts. I remember reading somewhere though, that the Leadtek TV2000XP would allow multiple captures with multiple cards in one PC. Hmmm...

I heard that the 9700 feature that lets you use a second tv tuner card will be done in software for the other radeon cards. If that's true then I could do the same thing with my 8500dv. I hope thats true. It would be a cool feature for us older card users.

8.1 the version for all of the Radeon family should be out really soon. Hopefully with the next driver release :)
I find MMC 8.0 full install here:

how to change msi files to install on all ATI cards - find on driverheaven forum.

but I have problem with DVD player - it not want change region (I use all avaible region changers DVDGeniue, Remote Selctor etc. - play only last played region disks).
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Those links are old.

A google search brings them up.

I wish they'd pull their finger out and release them officially ("them" including remote wonder 1.4)
It's not worth the 60MB download if all you want is RemoteWonder v1.4

And trying to install MMC8.0 on a non AIW9700 card doesn't even get past the install preliminaries (and doesn't even give you an error msg - just bombs out!)

Eagerly awaiting MMC8.1