Registry entries and files for remote?


New member
I've successfully upgraded to the CAT 2.5 drivers, but in the process of diagnosing installation problems, I had removed and deleted all of the ATI software and registry entries -- or so I thought! Apparently, I left remote wonder 1.2 (and 1.1) installed, as it's now in my Add/Remove Programs list, isn't functional, can't be re-installed, modified, repaired or removed. I was getting Installshield 1607 errors, tried a few tricks from's web site, and am now getting an undocumented Installshield 1612 error.

What I'd like to do now is remove all registry entries for remote wonder, and delete the relevant files, and then just reinstall 1.1 and 1.2. Would someone please be good enough to supply the remote wonder registry keys and file names?



I used a PC Magazine Utility called InCtrl5 to analyze all of the changes made by the installation programs. This utility documents ALL registry and file additions, changes and deletions, and puts them into a fairly readable HTML file.

I ran InCtrl5 on my work PC and recorded changes from the Remote 1.1 and 1.2 installation programs. The InCtrl5 program adds 5 to 10 minutes to the installation process.

Analyzing the data, on the other hand, takes quite a bit longer. At 255kb for the Remote 1.1 installation report, and another 75kb for the Remote 1.2 upgrade installation report, it took me most of the evening to pour over both reports and correlate them to existing registry entries and files. I'm sure that I didn't need to spend quite so much time on every single detail, as there's probably only a small subset of the entire report that is relevant to cleaning the system for a "fresh" install, but the comprehensive effort that I put in was sufficient to prepare the system for two perfectly smooth installations. Mission accomplished. :D

Perhaps, one of these days, I'll go through these two reports again and publish the details of what I had to remove from the registry and file structure, but don't hold your breath. I presented this information not so much to give you details about how to fix Remote Wonder installation problems, but to describe how I went about finding a fix. I suspect that this tool, InCtrl5 by PC Magazine, will come in handy again someday, perhaps for some other failed ATI driver installation program. (Now, what's the likelihood of that happening?) :rolleyes:
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