Red Dead Redemption 2


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A programmer at Rockstar updated their LinkedIn page to say they'd worked on RDR2 across PS4, Xbox One, and PC. VG247 confirmed the programmer does work for Rockstar and previously worked on both Grand Theft Auto V and L.A. Noire. Mention of the PC version of the game has since been removed, but it does hint that RDR2 might have a future on PC. Below is a screenshot of the LinkedIn page, courtesy of VG247, prior to the removal of the PC version.

I'm sure it will be on PC 1 year later, so your looking at a year from the end of Oct. if you can wait. Already bought for my One X. They made a ton of money by going this route on GTA V. Many bought it twice including me, Although I dont see myself doing the same for Red Dead 2. I see the One X as close enough to PC standard where as there was a nice upgrade going from the Xbox 360 to PC.
It'll be interesting to see how Rockstar treats or mistreats the PC platform this time around.

Will they delay the PC version 6 months like GTA5 or will it be a proper cross platform release? Hmmmm.
see, if they release it in a decent timeframe on PC I might buy and play it. If they wait too long I'll forget about it and have been playing something else instead.
It’s not a multi plat release including PC. It only showed box and PS4 in their announcements of release date.
It'll be interesting to see how Rockstar treats or mistreats the PC platform this time around.

Will they delay the PC version 6 months like GTA5 or will it be a proper cross platform release? Hmmmm.

This is not releasing at the same time as PC, expect a 1 year after release for maximum profits.
It'll be interesting to see how Rockstar treats or mistreats the PC platform this time around.

Will they delay the PC version 6 months like GTA5 or will it be a proper cross platform release? Hmmmm.
The delay was 1 year 7 months >:E
All based on someone's typo when updating their LinkedIn profile, copy 'n paste error I think.

Back to PC release thoughts though, my guess is the engine used is an updated or modified same one as GTAV so no reason why not ? Maybe they are focusing on the Switch version first :O ...
Can anyone explain why they didn't make RDR 1 for PC and why this time that will be different? (Not being sarcastic!)
Besides finding a great deal on a 1TB Xbox One S, RDR2 is the main reason I even bought a current gen console.
Can anyone explain why they didn't make RDR 1 for PC and why this time that will be different? (Not being sarcastic!)

Can only say what RockStar has said. Manpower vs time vs current project investment.

I grabbed RDR on Xbox One with the upgrade patch it looks very nice. :cool:

RockStar lives int their own world as a developer they live by their own rules but those rules started to change with GTA V making so much more money then even they expected on PC. So we will see if that changes things with RDR2 but giving the long development cycle RDR2 might not be the game t benefits from the any new project ideas. Maybe GTA6 who knows.:confused:
Can anyone explain why they didn't make RDR 1 for PC and why this time that will be different? (Not being sarcastic!)

Rockstar is a behemoth sized developer, but they can still only do so many projects at the same time. So their focus is where their hearts are: console development. PC development comes after.

In case of RDR1, the game code was a big mess for the console release. Apparently, they got it to work on PS3 and Xbox 360, but not in a way that's at all port friendly. So it'd take a lot of effort to completely redo the PC version, and they figured that wasn't worth it. Keep in mind that at the time, Rockstar will also have been working hard on GTA5, so they had to choose: put all effort into GTA5, or slow down GTA5 development and allow lots of people to fix a broken-code game and port it to PC where it might do well, might not.

They chose not to port it, and since RDR obviously ages, porting it now is no longer a sensible thing to do for Rockstar. Too little, too late, and their resources are better spent on new things.

I personally think that perhaps they leave the PC version for after, so their enormous teams are kept busy at all times. If you've got hundreds of developers working on RDR2, and then you release it and their jobs are done, how are you going to keep them around? Immediately starting a new project is very tough, and it wouldn't fit with a game development cycle. Perhaps working on a PC version is a great way to keep those guys busy, whose jobs are done at the end of the console development cycle.

I assume that Rockstar has learned from GTA4, GTA5 and their PC versions. The PS4 and XO are far into their lifetime cycles, so Rockstar probably has excellent knowledge of how to get RDR2 to those consoles. I would imagine that the errors of RDR1 won't be repeated, and RDR2 will come to PC. It'll just take the usual year or so that Rockstar takes to port a game of theirs.

We'll see - I am confident RDR2 will come to PC, just at a similar schedule to previous releases. I hope it'll be after a year, and I hope it'll be every bit as awesome as Red Dead Redemption.
PS3 emulation is progressing nicely so anyone who is still holding out can just get it free and play it on the emulator in 4k+ Rockstar be damned.