RAID Harddrives

Pretty much all HD's work well in raid, but there are 2 rules:

1)better be cheap and fast (IBM..cough...cough)

2)better not be a Maxtor

So0ya they'll work fine. I heard those drives are fairly loud though, so you better be able to tolerate sound. IDE RAID 0 is awesome and CHEAP!!

Athlon 1gig (10*100 850)
Abit KA7-100
192 mb pc -133
Radeon 32ddr
Maxtor 27.2 gig 7,200 rpm
Thanks! If anyone is interested the hard drives im talking about are 30GB 7200RPM ATA66 Quantum Fireball LM with 2MB Cache. They are $108 after rebate at
so what is wrong with maxtor drives. they aer fast, cheap and silent. they can be even more silent if you use the patch found at to set ata-commands to very silent or very fast if you want to...

Do I smell cupcakes...
Yes, I do agree that he current batch of Maxtor drives are pretty good and not because they're made here. ;)

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.