Rage Pro Mobility P 8mb and missing text in a game


New member
Firstly thank you to the mods of this site for keeping this part of the forum open - a godsend to all laptop owners who haven't got the luxury of just getting another graphics card.

I have a dell laptop, pIII 700mhz, 256mb ram, and a Rage Pro Mobility P 8mb, I am running W98se and have DX9.0b installed.

I like to play adventure games, the "point and click" variety and generally the graphics card requirements are not too heavy even on new games, I have found that even games with a min spec of a 32mb card will usually run ok on the rage pro if the graphics options in the game are wound right down.

I have come unstuck on a 2003 game - Journey to the Centre of the Earth, I was fairly confident I could get this to run as the graphics spec was for a 16mb card.

When I first tried to run this game, even the opening credits and video showed as a page of little black and white flickering boxes, when I got through that to the game options menu, the text doesn't show in the options boxes (although it was there for the section headers) and all text boxes in the game itself are blank.

I downloaded the last available M driver from Big Z's page (thank you) and with that I was then able to see the opening splash screens and movie (although at something like 1FPS) but the text in the menu boxes and in the game is still missing.

The movies are bink videos, so even if I can't speed them up in the game I can watch them with the bink viewer, but the lack of text will make playing the game almost impossible.

There are two font files in the game directory, arial and comic, it seems that arial will display, but comic won't (I have tried making a copy of the arial file and renaming it to comic, but it didn't help) I have also tried running with almost nothing in the systray apart from explorer, systray and the ati and mouse support.

I have done a lot of digging, but can't work out if the game is running under d3d or opengl.

The options I think I could try are:

The J driver from Big Z's page
Installing GLdirect - if this is an opengl issue?
Increasing the AGP aperture size in the bios
Fiddling with the default options in the d3d or opengl tabs in the ATI display.

Does anyone have any input on those options, any other ideas to try, or should I just give up and accept I can't run this game?

From reading the posts at the official game site forum there are quite a few others that have this problem, some who meet or exceed the graphics specs, a lot of them are running w98 - the general advice given is to update to the latest graphics drivers.

ukros said:
The J driver from Big Z's page
Installing GLdirect - if this is an opengl issue?
Increasing the AGP aperture size in the bios
Fiddling with the default options in the d3d or opengl tabs in the ATI display.
Try all of those and see if they work, but just make sure that when you try increasing the AGP aperture size, do not exceed the amount of RAM on the computer (256mb as you said in the above post), let us know how it goes :)
Missing textures are a common problem on the Rage Pro cards, mostly due to the small memory size and also due to poor driver quality. Your best bet is the last DX7 driver, M6.11.125. you can also try the J series. It has been so long since I played with the Rage Pro that I can no longer remember how the J series performed/looked.
Easy way to find out if the game is OpenGL... Delete or rename ATOGLRP.dll (I think) from C:\Windows\System (You can reinstall teh driver after or just restore the file) This is the OpenGL ICD. Hardware acceleration of OpenGL will not be possible without it.