Rage Fury MAXX on Win2K/XP

Problem installing MAXX on XP

Problem installing MAXX on XP

When trying to install the newest Rage Furry MAXX drivers located on Ati's website. I encountered a error while the Install program loads. Windows xp displays a error report message, explaining the error involves:

AppName: _ins5176._mp AppVer: ModName: atiicdxx.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0000df45

if that helps? I have the current drivers that came with XP installed, but they do not support OpenGL, and the ATI website says that these new should support OpenGL so I thought a update was needed.

I was able to unpack the drivers from the file "WXPR1286133279.exe", and the problem occured when I ran the "SETUP.EXE" in the "C:\ATI\support\WXP_R128_6_13_3279" folder.

Any Help? Please, I dont know what to do.
I seem to remember ATI admitting to being unable to get the MAXX to work in 2k/XP. There's a limitation to the OS that prevents it from addressing both chips on the board I believe. They couldn't work around it and thus posted a public apology.

You need to upgrade to a $50 Radeon or something friend. Sorry.
swaaye said:
I seem to remember ATI admitting to being unable to get the MAXX to work in 2k/XP. There's a limitation to the OS that prevents it from addressing both chips on the board I believe. They couldn't work around it and thus posted a public apology.

You need to upgrade to a $50 Radeon or something friend. Sorry.

Actually it was hardware related and had to do with the way the chips worked together on the AGP bus. It needed a bridge chip to work correctly with 2k and that is what killed it.
Those drivers (the W2K-640CD19 ones) don't appear to exist on the internet anymore. Anyone have a copy they could wire me, cause I'm stuck with this Fury Maxx till my X800 XT arrives, and I'm having some major problems.
To get it working under XP SP2, I disabled the second devicem, went to update the driver and selected a Rage128 driver which XP said was compatible, set the AGP gart to PCI to PCI Standard controller, and XP doesn't hang on boot anymore. Hope this helps someone, no special drivers required. Haven't tested 3d, and honestly, it's not going to be used for gaming at all... too old.

I'm still testing it out... I'll see how well it works and if better performance would come form a driver update.

EDIT BY GATOR: FiggyG received undesirable results and deleted his post. However I have restored this post because it has relevant information.
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To get it working under XP SP2, I disabled the second devicem, went to update the driver and selected a Rage128 driver which XP said was compatible, set the AGP gart to PCI to PCI Standard controller, and XP doesn't hang on boot anymore. Hope this helps someone, no special drivers required. Haven't tested 3d, and honestly, it's not going to be used for gaming at all... too old.

This old post actually helped me with an older computer I had lying around. Thanks FiggyG.
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Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro (Microsoft Corporation):ATI's Rage Fury Pro 3-D accelerator is an affordable video card upgrade for those who want a card that can handle a range of graphical tasks.
For anyone who doesn't already know or found this thread in a Google search, the Rage Fury MAXX card CANNOT be used in AFR mode with Win2K/XP. It's not an ATi driver issue, it's the way that NT5 based OS's handle drivers. Trying to get these to work in AFR mode would require a complete rewrite of the way Windows 2k/XP handles drivers. Win 9x/ME OS's allow the switching between the two GPU's on the AGP bus but 2k/XP do not. The best you're going to do with the MAXX on these Windows versions is single GPU operation which means a huge performance hit. You may as well go with an early GeForce or Radeon for your vintage 2k/XP gaming rig and put the MAXX in a 9x based machine that can use it because you probably won't like how your games perform with a single Rage 128 Pro. (I'm assuming higher performance is the reason you bought the MAXX in the first place, right?) I post this information here because from time to time I still see people who recently acquired one of these cards asking the question about getting it to work under 2k/XP and the short answer is that you can't, not as a dual GPU card at least, and if you're going to run it as a single GPU card, there's better alternatives available that will run your older games faster under 2k/XP.
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Trust me I know all to well the issue you are referring to .. I had 3 seperate machines all with Win98SE that all recieved MAXXs with plans to upgrade to Win2K. IIRC, the original box/literature says Win95, 98, 2000 however once 2K was installed on 2 of the PCs I found out the hard way it wasn't so. The short story of it being I emailed ATI, got a refund for 2 of the MAXXs (kept the 3rd running 98SE, still might have it somewhere) and did some more digging. You are partially correct, the issue was with how NT (2K) deals with PCI devices and AGP (going from memory here .. been some years). In Win9x ATI was able to use AFR however in 2K, the OS saw the AGP card as having 2 PCI devices, thus only 1 was able to work. I used to run a website (RadeonFAQ) and I believe there was a section covering it as well as the OLD Rage3D forums I had a write up under a different name (RageMAXX I think) that addressed it, gave support links to Intel's AGP spec as well as copies of the product boxes/manuals if any others needed to contact ATI for support/refunds. In the end the card was a great bridge product, it allowed ATI to remain competitive with the original Geforce 256 by using two Rage 128s until they could come out with the Radeon 256.

Edit: to make matters worse, VIA's implementation of Intel's AGP spec wasn't up to 100% and sadly they were the almost largest chipset supplier (just behind Intel) and trhe only real choice for AMD platofirms.

A bit OT:
BTW anyone still have the original Radeon 256 flash animation saved somewhere ?? Looked like a oval badge when completed.
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