RAGE 128 PRO Ultra + Pro Evo Soccer 4


New member
Is the above graphics card too weak to play pro evo 4? I ask this as a friend of mine has one along with a pentium 4 2.0 and 512meg RAM, yet is only getting a couple of FPS and is struggling at around 2FPS. He says he has installed the latest drivers that are available but it does nothing to help. I know its an old card the minimum spec is a geforce 3 or Radeon 8500. Is that card good enough? Or what could be wrong?
colic said:
...the minimum spec is a geforce 3 or Radeon 8500....

That's yoru problem right there, a Rage128Pro Ultra is not nearly powerful enough to compete with a GF3 or R8500, those cards are a couple generations newer.

I would advise your friend to purchase a new video card, no less than R9600XT. Something even more powerful is recommended depending on his budget, but definetly do not buy any less than that.
Has he lowered the resolution to say 640 or 800?
Makes a big difference on these older cards.
Has he tried other drivers?
The card is slow, but turning down details will help aot to get games playable.
Of course a newer card is the best way.
no he needs a geforce3 or 8500 to play. I tried with a gf4 mx440 and a Radeon 7000 and it was ubber jerky, even at low res