Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Fall Creators Update Beta driver

Seen some reviews on other sites and they are really buggy. Lot's of BSOD's which, as a beta driver, isn't unreasonable just like AMD say they're "as is". Not touching them with a barge pole TBH as I'm very happy with my under volted V64 on 17.9.3 drivers. Not even interested in 17.10.1 as they don't seem to bring anymore performance to Vega cards.

Sorry if I'm getting boring but AMD really need to up their game with the drivers for Vega and make everything work as promised and that should be their objective not making mGPU profiles that are virtually meaningless. Come on AMD just step up and deliver.
I'm on 17.10 with the FCU and noticing issues, such as unable to shut v-sync off, and it feels like triple buffering isn't working either. So there's probably some needed fixes in here, if you can survive the other problems.

Kind of messed up they don't have this ready to go now that FCU is being pushed to current windows installs.