Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.2

you forgot the part where they support W7 still so supporting 8.1 is simple
I honestly think that 8/8.1 holdouts are a reeeeeeeeealy small percentage. People either moved to Windows 10, or are still using Windows 7 (I never understood why, but hey; until recently many used XP so there).
So Kombatant please enlighten us why AMD seem to have completely abandoned the Fury line up. Till Vega comes out Fury is still AMD's high end card yet AMD are only interested in improving their mid range Polaris cards with updates and new features.

It feels like a real slap in the face having paid about twice as much for a Fury card which AMD seem to have just abandoned completely. If AMD only wants to sell mid range cards then fine but at least tell us that so we don't waste our money on Vega which will probably suffer the same fate once Navi comes out.

If AMD want to increase market share at the high end they need to convince existing AMD card owners that their card will be supported going forward and at the moment that's not true. Sad really and people think AMD are a great company :lol:
I will tell you this: new features always come to the latest generation first. That has always been true for the past 15+ years that I've been involved in this industry. Fury came out two years ago. Polaris is current gen. Vega is current gen. Not Fury.

And no, AMD hasn't abandoned anyone. If anything, we continue supporting our older cards with performance increases/fixes, and several features that were introduced for our latest-gen cards have been available for the previous-gen ones as well after a while, depending on what each card supports at the hardware level.
So Kombatant please enlighten us why AMD seem to have completely abandoned the Fury line up. Till Vega comes out Fury is still AMD's high end card yet AMD are only interested in improving their mid range Polaris cards with updates and new features.

It feels like a real slap in the face having paid about twice as much for a Fury card which AMD seem to have just abandoned completely. If AMD only wants to sell mid range cards then fine but at least tell us that so we don't waste our money on Vega which will probably suffer the same fate once Navi comes out.

If AMD want to increase market share at the high end they need to convince existing AMD card owners that their card will be supported going forward and at the moment that's not true. Sad really and people think AMD are a great company :lol:
holy cr@p I actually agree... and in part why seriously contemplating sending this Vega FE back..
Finally, we got the pixel format options back into Radeon Settings application. And also the brightness/contrast/color-saturation are there as well, after being missing (even in the Additional-Settings panel) from past several drivers.

I updated RX-480 based system. Since it was a big update, I chose the "uninstall previous driver" option in the installer. Things went ok, except for one issue. If "Enhanced Sync" is enabled, all the scrolling GUI components in Kodi, scroll at a very fast rate, and they are somewhat jittery too. So the RSS feed at the bottom, or the episode names - basically anything that scrolls horizontally is sped up 10 - 15 times. Turning Enhanced Sync off, solves the issue.

By the way, I run no thirdparty overclock tools and rely entirely on Wattman. For those using MSI AB or Trixx, it'd be best to not use this driver until the tools are updated. There's some change in Wattman API, which breaks those tools resulting in your card getting stuck at wrong clocks.

Wattman ran perfectly fine on RX 480. I'll try out R9 290 next.
I do like how the install now references 17.7.1 etc, instead of the actual video driver version.
there was new re-release of the 17.7.2 drivers
old whql-win7-64bit-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.7.2-july26.exe
new whql-win7-64bit-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.7.2-july27.exe

seems they fixed the Windows 7 issues with ID as beta drivers etc.
also the missing features are now present ...

anyone used 17.7.2 yet with AMD/ATI Pixel Clock Patcher ?
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I will tell you this: new features always come to the latest generation first. That has always been true for the past 15+ years that I've been involved in this industry. Fury came out two years ago. Polaris is current gen. Vega is current gen. Not Fury.

And no, AMD hasn't abandoned anyone. If anything, we continue supporting our older cards with performance increases/fixes, and several features that were introduced for our latest-gen cards have been available for the previous-gen ones as well after a while, depending on what each card supports at the hardware level.

Sorry Kombatant that just sounds like patronising corporate BS. Fury is current gen BECAUSE it has not been replaced by AMD with another high end card. Polaris is mid range not high end. The fact it's two years old should make no difference and that's AMDs fault anyway as it's taken them two years to replace it. Plain and simple AMD for whatever reason no longer consider the Fury cards for performance updates, fixes and new features. Fury has become an afterthought at best. At least they could be honest with us and admit it FFS. I never thought I'd say this but AMD are worse than mobile phone manufacturers at least they fully support their flagship products until they replace them and not before.
Sorry Kombatant that just sounds like patronising corporate BS. Fury is current gen BECAUSE it has not been replaced by AMD with another high end card. Polaris is mid range not high end. The fact it's two years old should make no difference and that's AMDs fault anyway as it's taken them two years to replace it. Plain and simple AMD for whatever reason no longer consider the Fury cards for performance updates, fixes and new features. Fury has become an afterthought at best. At least they could be honest with us and admit it FFS. I never thought I'd say this but AMD are worse than mobile phone manufacturers at least they fully support their flagship products until they replace them and not before.
I am simply trying to be polite, nothing more. Fury is last gen. And current-gen cards get new features first. Always been like that.
there was new re-release of the 17.7.2 drivers
old whql-win7-64bit-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.7.2-july26.exe
new whql-win7-64bit-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.7.2-july27.exe

seems they fixed the Windows 7 issues with ID as beta drivers etc.
also the missing features are now present ...

anyone used 17.7.2 yet with AMD/ATI Pixel Clock Patcher ?
Thanks Dwarden for the heads up :up:

Edit to add:
The updated win 7 installer worked perfect and all features are present and accounted for. Thanks AMD :D
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yep, new version confirmed working on 390X and Win7x64, whereas the previous one had all new options missing.

I should also that I DDU'ed this time around, thought the new drivers needed a clean swipe.

On a side note, any word whether they will add enhanced sync for previous gen cards in the near future?
I am simply trying to be polite, nothing more. Fury is last gen. And current-gen cards get new features first. Always been like that.

Strange that Nvidia don't see it that way. Here's a snippet from Techreport's review of 17.7.2 and specifically enhanced sync (he has a 390x).."Being unable to test Enhanced Sync was a little disappointing given that Nvidia officially supports Fast Sync on both generations of Maxwell hardware as well as the Pascal chips it debuted with."

And Nvidia get slated for their support of older generations whereas good old AMD drop support for their CURRENT gen high end card like it was a piece of Sh*t under their shoe. :bleh:
Don't hold your breath. Once Vega finally releases (or is that if?) then the 3xx series and Fury will most likely become "legacy" cards because AMD want us to upgrade to Polaris and Vega even if we don't want to. All things come to an end but some come much quicker than others :lol:
I just found out what makes my C34F791 glitch when enabling Freesync. I also gnabled GPU scaling, and with Freesync and GPU scaling enabled I get glitching, If GPU scaling is disabled it works flawlessly!
I'm not installing this driver because there seems to be quite a lot of issues with it :lol: Waiting on Vega release TBH and if it's priced right I'm buying it but if not I'm back to the dark side I'm afraid.
installed and working fine on fury x cfx

Well I'll take your word for it but try using enhanced sync :lol: Doesn't work on Fury cards because apparently Fury cards are LAST GEN :lol: Polaris are current gen would you believe. Mid range s**t you can't even buy. Cheers AMD your a real consumer orientated company not :lol:
Since I upgraded, I have had some BSODs, all but one related to the GPU/GPU driver. The latest occured when I sent my system to sleep. This is what WinDbg has to say:

BugCheck 10E, {2a, ffffaa0046b7c8b0, 50000000, 0}

Probably caused by : dxgmms2.sys ( dxgmms2!VidSchRegisterAsDwm+e4f0 )

The video memory manager encountered a condition that it can't recover from. By crashing,
the video memory manager is attempting to get enough information into the minidump such that
somebody can pinpoint what lead to this condition.
Arg1: 000000000000002a, The subtype of the bugcheck:
Arg2: ffffaa0046b7c8b0
Arg3: 0000000050000000
Arg4: 0000000000000000

I have had more than one bugcheck in the video driver/video hardware and one that was seemingly unrelated, but then again, it is not always predictable how a crash unfolds.

I will revert to an older driver and see if this stabilizes the system.

The crashes even had me adding more ventilation to my system, but that didn't help.

Edit: Reverted to 17.5.2 and system is stable again.
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If you guys are on win 7 they updated the installer... Might want to redownload the file.
If you guys are on win 7 they updated the installer... Might want to redownload the file.
Hell even if you're on Win 10 re-download the July 27th version.

Had slowdowns with the mouse and general sluggishness with July 26th version installing 27th version over 26 made that go away.