Radeon RX vega drivers is out.


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​​Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD's advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences. Create, capture, and share your remarkable moments. Effortlessly boost performance and efficiency. Experience Radeon Software with industry-leading user satisfaction, rigorously-tested stability, comprehensive certification, and more.

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Radeon RX Vega Series Highlights

Support For

Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.

Known Issues

Radeon WattMan may not reach applied overclock states.
3DMark®Firestrike may experience an application hang during GT2 test.
The "Reset" option in Radeon Settings Gaming tab may enable the "HBCC Memory Segment" feature instead of setting it to the default disabled state.
A limited number of HDR enabled TV's may experience intermittent HDMI signal loss.
Windows Media Player may experience an application hang during video playback if Radeon ReLive is actively recording desktop.

Package Contents
The Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Radeon RX Vega Series installation package contains the following:

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Radeon RX Vega Series Driver Version 17.30.1051 (Windows Driver Store Version 22.19.666.1)

The Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Radeon RX Vega Series installation package can be downloaded from the following links:

By clicking the Download button, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement ("EULA"). If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of these licenses, you do not have a license to any of the AMD software provided by this download.

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Relive Edition Radeon RX Vega Series Driver for Windows® 10 64-bit​
AMD Radeon Software Crimson Relive Edition Radeon RX Vega Series Driver for Windows® 7 64-bit​
Is that a driver that ships with the card or a new one?

Don't know but it's completely s*it. I can't play any game on my Sapphire RX Vega 64 AC they just black screen and that's it. Changed cables, uninstalled all drivers, reinstalled beta drivers and still the same S*hit. If I can't sort tomorrow I'm gonna RMA and buy a 1080ti at least those seem to work.
Don't know but it's completely s*it. I can't play any game on my Sapphire RX Vega 64 AC they just black screen and that's it. Changed cables, uninstalled all drivers, reinstalled beta drivers and still the same S*hit. If I can't sort tomorrow I'm gonna RMA and buy a 1080ti at least those seem to work.

You say you uninstalled drivers but did you use DDU?

I say this cause i sold my 280 and they couldn't get it to work, i suggested DDU and they used that in safe mode, and then uninstalled all drivers for nvidia, AMD and Intel while in safemode and unplugged there internet and restarted PC and installed the latest AMD drivers and it worked no more black screen.

Just remember to download drivers before unplugging the ethernet cable :)

Hope you get it working.
Coming from you i will take your opinion with a big grain of salt.

Do you own a Vega card? No didn't think so. I do. So WTF do you know what I'm going through :lol: Put up or STFU and don't tell me what I am actually experiencing when you haven't got a clue. At least I own a Vega card and can speak from experience. You're sad, really sad so go get a life or maybe buy a Vega card and tell me your experiences? Or maybe not :lol::lol:
You say you uninstalled drivers but did you use DDU?

I say this cause i sold my 280 and they couldn't get it to work, i suggested DDU and they used that in safe mode, and then uninstalled all drivers for nvidia, AMD and Intel while in safemode and unplugged there internet and restarted PC and installed the latest AMD drivers and it worked no more black screen.

Just remember to download drivers before unplugging the ethernet cable :)

Hope you get it working.

Yes used DDU in safe mode and no difference I'm afraid. Let's see what the new PSU brings tomorrow but TBH I'm leaning towards a 1080ti ATM so I'm so disillusioned with this card. As they say tomorrow is another day :lol:
Do you own a Vega card? No didn't think so. I do. So WTF do you know what I'm going through :lol: Put up or STFU and don't tell me what I am actually experiencing when you haven't got a clue. At least I own a Vega card and can speak from experience. You're sad, really sad so go get a life or maybe buy a Vega card and tell me your experiences? Or maybe not :lol::lol:

Yep, you have experience. Experience in trying to run a Vega 64 with an under rated powers supply (see Vega Owners thread http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=34045172). :lol: :lol: Recommended power supply is 750 watt, and that is if you don't over clock. Yours is a 700 watt with crappy rail amperage (14 amps per rail X 4 rails for a total of 56 amps under load per the specs). That gives you 28 amps (using 2 rails) to run your Vega 64 (possibly a max of 18 amps per rail peak, but can't sustain it). I suggest you get the right quality hardware to run your card before you start attacking people and their opinion and/or blaming drivers/AMD. There is more to powers supplies than just the wattage.

At this time, he is right, take your complaints with a grain of salt.

Edit: after you get your new power supply, if you still have issues, we will remove the salt. :D :D
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Yep, you have experience. Experience in trying to run a Vega 64 with an under rated powers supply (see Vega Owners thread http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=34045172). :lol: :lol: Recommended power supply is 750 watt, and that is if you don't over clock. Yours is a 700 watt with crappy rail amperage (14 amps per rail X 4 rails for a total of 56 amps under load per the specs). That gives you 28 amps (using 2 rails) to run your Vega 64 (possibly a max of 18 amps per rail peak, but can't sustain it). I suggest you get the right quality hardware to run your card before you start attacking people and their opinion and/or blaming drivers/AMD. There is more to powers supplies than just the wattage.

At this time, he is right, take your complaints with a grain of salt.

Edit: after you get your new power supply, if you still have issues, we will remove the salt. :D :D

NWR I will hang my head in shame and I'm wearing my sackcloth and ashes :lol: Read my post on the Vega owners thread and see why. I unreservedly apologise for any offence I might have made I was just disappointed at the start and didn't realise that Vega needed that must power. Now I've addressed it I'm absolutely happy.

Still not happy with DSBR, packed math and primitive shaders disabled which were headline features. Hopefully this will improve as time goes on but ATM in 1440p this card shines. At 4K I'm not sure as I don't have a 4K monitor.
NWR I will hang my head in shame and I'm wearing my sackcloth and ashes :lol: Read my post on the Vega owners thread and see why. I unreservedly apologise for any offence I might have made I was just disappointed at the start and didn't realise that Vega needed that must power. Now I've addressed it I'm absolutely happy.

Still not happy with DSBR, packed math and primitive shaders disabled which were headline features. Hopefully this will improve as time goes on but ATM in 1440p this card shines. At 4K I'm not sure as I don't have a 4K monitor.

You have a FreeSync monitor? I have a 4K one and would like some added performance beyond a Nano.

You have a FreeSync monitor? I have a 4K one and would like some added performance beyond a Nano.

Yes I have a freesync monitor and at 1440p Vega 64 is better than Fury without a doubt. Yes it uses more power and is deemed to be noisier. I've always felt noise is a subjective personal thing and to be quite honest the noise Vega makes doesn't bother me at all. Interestingly in the harodocp review Kyle used his editorial privilege to over rule the writer and say he wasn't bothered by this fan noise at all whilst the writer was.

For sure Vega 64 would struggle to fit into a SFF and the heat and power would definitely be an issue. But if they do manage to produce a Vega Nano it could be a good upgrade from a Fury nano. Obviously it's game dependent I'm seeing a 23 to 50% improvement over the Fury pro which was faster than the nano.
Quite shocked to see crossfire is completey unavailable currently, they had the best efficiency for Multi GPU. Hopefully they will bring at least current CF functionallity to Vega, before dropping it