Radeon 5770 HD


New member
Graphic card update I'm at 15.3 now auto update is prompting to 16.5 XFX Radeon 5770 should I go for it, or not? Nothing is broke, big Kodi user but the card is starting to stumble on x265 with no hardware acceleration.

Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
Memory Size - 1024 MB
Memory Type - GDDR5
Core Clock - 850 MHz
Windows Version - Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)
System Memory - 12 GB
CPU Type - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz

If it's time to pack this in, what card is recommended, thinking 4K future?
If nothing is broken and the driver doesn't intro anything new I would just stay put.

But it should probably be swapped out now. Where to go is dependant on your budget. 4k requires allot of power, I would just aim for whatever resolution you game at.
Thanks for your quick reply, not a gamer but heavy HTPC stuff with Kodi and I'd like to play Hevc 4K 10bit but I might have to compromise. The new Nvidia Shield offers it for ~$300 while the graphic card prices to handle this level are not even in the same ballpark from what I can see. I was hoping to go with a legacy software update to re-establish hardware decoding for h265 but it looks like I'm living in the clouds.
Pretty sure you can get an RX 460 for 10-bit HEVC

Whooops, I assumed 4k for gaming. Plenty of affordable cards to fill the 4k gap and massively beat out a nVidia sheild device. Especially at $300 bux or under.

RX 460 is a good choice. But if you budget is in the nVidia Sheild range, you might want consider the RX 480 lvl stuff.

I don't think nVidia allows for 10-bit colour output for anything but gaming(ie in DX11 or newer) on non-quadro cards? Is that still true?
CES will introduce a new Shield, users have been clamouring for 4K 10bit, might be prudent to sit tight until the announcement. I still have the update knocking at my door, and I'm reticent to install.
5770 is a pretty elite videocard wait for good 4k without breaking a sweat.
I place the order for the new Nvidia Shiled2 TV box, should be here in a week or so, in at the $300 deal from Amazon. It's supposed be be able to do 4K UHD (10 bit) h265 in the mean time throwing caution to the wind, I tried to update but comes back as updated as I can get is what I got now. Overclocked the computer, and the gfx card and most is well. Configured Kodi to use MPC-hc for h265, 1080p and it's pretty smooth.

The kicker is a buddy visited with an Asus Aviva 2 core and I helped him with the Kodi install, it ran not sure how well on the heavy stuff basically 100% CPU but he had dual boot with Mint, Kodi install with the same video was 35% CPU!

So how do I turn off the AMD notification for new update, when they're not going to support this card anymore?

Happy 2017 if you can believe it...
So here we are 2019 and I still have this old Radeon 5770 HD, and now I'm definitely hankering for an update of my HTPC Kodi set-up to enable 4K 60hz 10bit h265 in hardware, thinking RX580 or Nvidia 1060 any thoughts would be appreciated.
RX580 will get you a better feature set. Although.... RX Vega56 I have seen hitting the $280 price points lately.... Which is only about $100 off for nearly 2x the performance?
Buy a shield and direct stream. No transcoding required. Can run it off a potato. Better quality, and way more function. Otherwise 1660 if you want to future proof yourself or run multiple streams. If you wanna go elcheapo. 1050 is the best bang/buck to do h.265, and HVEC.
CES will introduce a new Shield, users have been clamouring for 4K 10bit, might be prudent to sit tight until the announcement. I still have the update knocking at my door, and I'm reticent to install.

Current shield already does 10 bit 4k via direct stream, and all the uncompressed audio formats (including Atmos uncompressed). I use a 680 with my 4690k and on 10 bit 4k HEVC 265 videos with Atmos I barely hit 40% utilization during direct stream to the shield.

However if I have to transcode that file, the processor can't keep up.
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