Project IGI 2 betatesters


New member
I got accepted :)
does anyone know if you get the full version as a "thank you" for betatesting or something like that
never betatested any commercial product before...
Re: Project IGI 2 betatesters

Uriel said:
I got accepted :)
does anyone know if you get the full version as a "thank you" for betatesting or something like that
never betatested any commercial product before...

You usually get jack besides the pleasure of playing the game before anyone else...
well it sorta depends I guess
the Serious Sam betatesters got copies of RC1
and I have one, it's patchable with all the retail patches and works just like the final product after applying one of the patches :)

I hope we'll see something similair with IGI2 :D
Uriel said:
well it sorta depends I guess
the Serious Sam betatesters got copies of RC1
and I have one, it's patchable with all the retail patches and works just like the final product after applying one of the patches :)

I hope we'll see something similair with IGI2 :D

That's cool... I betatested a few things and just got the shaft once the test was done :) Ah well... not all betatest are created equal :)
Last email I got from them was 2/26.

I'm hoping they send out a full version for beta testers but chances are we won't get anything. If Codemasters does send things out, I'm really happy since I got selected for their Dragon Empires beta test too.