Heard of any launches or dates?
In the market for a CrossFire dual RX 480 that performs like a GeForce 1080 GTX but costs less. Plus 4K 15.6" IPS display, Intel 6820K, 16GB DDR4, etc. Would be killer if one of these launch for 1500-2000K or so.
Been looking at a Dell Outlet GeForce GTX 980M, 6820K, 32GB, 4K etc that goes on sale routinely for $1200. Decided to hold off in hopes of AMD or nVidia next gen goodness. Power saving and performance boost.
3000k+ for nVidia's cards kind of outrageous in the SLI laptops... But dreamy and a possibility.
In the market for a CrossFire dual RX 480 that performs like a GeForce 1080 GTX but costs less. Plus 4K 15.6" IPS display, Intel 6820K, 16GB DDR4, etc. Would be killer if one of these launch for 1500-2000K or so.
Been looking at a Dell Outlet GeForce GTX 980M, 6820K, 32GB, 4K etc that goes on sale routinely for $1200. Decided to hold off in hopes of AMD or nVidia next gen goodness. Power saving and performance boost.
3000k+ for nVidia's cards kind of outrageous in the SLI laptops... But dreamy and a possibility.