Pockemon Go

ah, i checked again, the ones i meant were all 7 km eggs (yellow-purple). Still very random rewards inside.

As for the raids, yeah, i saw that, but i won't buy coins for real money, i'll try the gyms instead. Thx for the insight, bob. Btw you already have my trainer code (Demcrazykraut) :lol:
Oooh cool cool. I had no idea. You’re kindda killin it. We’re gonna be ultra friends soon, in 3 days. If you want we could coordinate a lucky egg for the friend milestone or if you don’t care it’s fine.

Or if you don’t understand anything I said I could explain😃
hey, i killed nothing, i swear :D

A lucky egg for milestone, well, uhm, yeah, i guess? Ah you mean the grey ones which grant you 30 minutes double exp.
So when one of the friends hits that last day, obviously both friends get the Xp bonus.

Yea those lucky eggs give double xp. So if you have the egg going and we hit 3 stars during that half an hour, you make 100k xp instead of 50. Now the problem comes when people don’t really know each other at all, and one person activated the last day on the gift with an egg, and the other one has no idea what’s happening, and didn’t have an egg. so one got the double xp for themselves and the other didn’t know it was happening, didn’t have an egg, and got regular xp.
ah, ok, i see. That might be difficult to coordinate seeing that most of the players are kinda scattered around the globe with different time zones
ah, ok, i see. That might be difficult to coordinate seeing that most of the players are kinda scattered around the globe with different time zones

Exactly. As long as you won’t be mad at me we can carry on as usual. I usually try to open my big points gifts at about midnight my time, which I think is about that 8 or 9 or 10 in the morning European time.
Thanks! The game seems crazy popular in Germany... out of all my friends in Europe, by far the most are in Germany. Actually probably even worldwide, most of my friends are in Germany.
well i can't tell because here it's the other way around, only 2 are from Germany, the rest is USA, Thailand, Australia, Singapore, Sweden, Peru and so on
ok, i've got another question: What up with that promo codes? While i've found a lot of them, none seems to work. Is there some kind of trick to that? Case sensitive or some other crap? I do know that most of them a time-limited.

All that aside, man, there's so much stuff going on with that game, it's almost some kind of science. :runaway: some of them i had no idea, like rename pokemons to evolve to others 'n stuff like that.
not sure what you mean by promo codes. promo codes to get coins?

the rename to evolve i dont even know. i started reading the way and then realized i dont care about it :lol:
coins, pokeballs, incubators etc. etc. the web is full of codes, but none of them seems to work. well, no big deal.

as for renaming or using modules, well .... gotta catch 'em all, right? Still had no luck with heatran-raids, what a waste of tickets.
by no luck you mean he runs from you?

If you need help throwing more consistently, check out The Trainer Club's guide on youtube (for any pokemon it is the same but he has specific ones for each one, but it doesnt matter theyre all the same). His method is what I use and although I don't go for excellents yet, i can hit greats without missing (but even then they still run sometimes). i can break it down for you too....

also as you probably know you get extra balls for having more players in the raid the same team as you, so I would look around for (color) raid channel on discord, where people are all the same team. it makes such a huge difference to have 9-12 balls rather than 5-7. i joined a team yellow raid server on discord and my catch rate went way up just from having more balls.

im also going to go do a heatran in 20 mins if you have an extra remote pass i can send you an invite
nah, it's not the catch it's that we couldn't beat him in time..... i guess i need a lot better/stronger pokemons in the first place. Again, no biggy.

Thx for all the tips so far, really appreciated
no worries. oh yeah for the 5* raids try to have anywhere from 3-5+ people in there with you, depending on their guys.

for the 1* and most 2* raids you should be ok to do alone provided you have some decent evolved pokemon. if you can get one other person with you then you're good for sure.

do you have a certain time when you are walking about playing or it's your usual playing time? I can see if that lines up with my time here and send you a raid invite. im guessing you're 8-9hrs ahead of western canada....
well, the 1* and 2* raids i do alone, no problem.

And no, i have no certain times of the day reserved for playing. Usually i let the game just run while i'm a work, basically running idle. If you see that i'm online you can always send an invite :) And yes, i'm 9 hours ahead of Vancouver (for example).
well, the 1* and 2* raids i do alone, no problem.

And no, i have no certain times of the day reserved for playing. Usually i let the game just run while i'm a work, basically running idle. If you see that i'm online you can always send an invite :) And yes, i'm 9 hours ahead of Vancouver (for example).

Awesome I’ll keep an eye out for that.