PLEASE help on Radeon VE Dual Monitor Switching


New member
I write process control software for the Asphalt Industry. I work on a DOS !!!! platform. I program in Turbo Pascal and Assembly Language. Windows Drivers are of no help to me. I would like to use the ATI Radeon VE (7000) card in order to use two VGA Monitors with unique displays. All I want to know is how to switch between monitors on the Radeon VE (7000) card. I suspect it is a write or a series of writes to an IO port(s). ATI has been no help at all with this question. I have spent two days on the Internet and on the phone and am no closer to a solution than before I began. ATI's only suggestion is that I down load and try to decipher a 15 Meg Windows Driver ????

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone help me ???

Thanx, Dave West
West Laboratories and Human Touch Software
I have no idea how to do that, but I suspect the best way to figure out would be to look for an open source Linux driver for it and see how it's done (if any Linux driver supports dualhead stuff of course, I don't know if they do).
Matrox has Much Better business head than ATI.

Matrox has Much Better business head than ATI.

Matrox, who unlike ATI, seems to care about their
developers, has seen fit to publish the register sets for their cards on their web page. Which means I will be buying about 900 of their Millennium 450 cards instead of the ATI VE.

Dave West
Human Touch Software