philasophical question


Active member
just wondering what you reckon on=

where did us human's come from?

was it evolution of apes?

did aliens bring us to earth?

or something else?

(ps. im not on drugs)
Umm... I'm partial to that whole God put our asses here idea. I mean, it wraps up any loose ends the same way that the whole "Force" thing explains why those damn Droids/Troopers could never hit a Jedi with their laser rifles.

One piece of evidence is the moon landing. Remember how Armstrong had to JUMP off the lander onto the surface of the moon? It wasn't because they just forgot to make the ladder touch the ground, but rather it was because they thought there would be a good six feet of dust on the moon. They'd calculated how much dust the moon collects every year, and multiplied it by 6 million years or so and came up with about six feet of dust was to be expected.

However, when they got there, there was no where near that much dust on the moon. Nah, the dust on the moon (according to their calculation) was only building up for a good few thousand years or so. (This amount of time does correlate to what's written in the Bible.)

Or how about the Niagra falls? They say it erodes at a rate of X amount of feet per year. (I think the number is near 2 feet per year, but I'm not sure.) Well, let's see, if it eroded at 2feet per year, or even a very off but generous 1feet per year, then the canyon right now should be, (based on also a very generous 500,000 years), approx 500,000 feet. Which, if I'm not mistaken, equates to 95 miles. This is just a general number, once again, I don't remember the specifics. I don't think, however, that the Niagra canyon is currently 95 miles long.

If you use the Bible's 6 or so thousand years of age, then the canyon should be, about (based on the innaccurate and very genrous 1 feet per year of erosion) 6000 feet or about 1.1 miles. (Since I think a mile is about 5,280 feet.)

Umm yeah...okay back to work.

Once again, I may be wrong.
Even though I am the biggest separation of church and state freak there ever was (or at least that's what I'm told)I am going to respond to this thread.

First off, I believe in a God. I am not currently able to tell you what he/she/it looks like, what color his/her/it 's eyes are, or his/her/it 's height. However, I am able to tell you this is a God with compassion and loaded with humor(if you doubt this think of all the times you f^cked up).

Second. I am not able to put a name to this religious figure. Although if I died I would probably refer to him as the father/oneself? of Jesus Christ.

But the one thing I am 99.999->% sure about religion is about being selfless and not selfish. This also leads me to my thoughts about the after-life. Yes, I believe in a heaven (not sure about hell), but religion is not about getting to the afterlife. I personally wish the bible never mentioned the afterlife. If your goal in religion is to go to heaven then I am afraid you have made the wrong choice. If your belief is to be selfless so you can await an eternal afterlife in heaven, then this is selfishness and does not follow , in my mind, the goal of a Judeo-Christian religion.

One more thing. Guys...and Loki ;) just remember that religion is a very sensitive issue, and we've got the best forums around, so I don't want them to become Nvidia'ish due to a thread.

FYI- I do consider Mormons to be Christian.
I believe that we evolved from some other ape-like animal.

Evolution is a random process where some mutations (traits) survive in the next generation as a result of the feedback provided by Nature in the form of an environment in which some survive (and procreate) and others don't (for whatever reason we need not be concerned about).

So, humans are just another animal.

Regards, ../Klingon
While I have no real concrete views on the whole Creation vs. Evolution vs. Alien Intervention thing (call me an agnostic if you like), I have to post a rebuttal to the following point:

Originally posted by shrike126
One piece of evidence is the moon landing. Remember how Armstrong had to JUMP off the lander onto the surface of the moon? It wasn't because they just forgot to make the ladder touch the ground, but rather it was because they thought there would be a good six feet of dust on the moon. They'd calculated how much dust the moon collects every year, and multiplied it by 6 million years or so and came up with about six feet of dust was to be expected.

However, when they got there, there was no where near that much dust on the moon. Nah, the dust on the moon (according to their calculation) was only building up for a good few thousand years or so. (This amount of time does correlate to what's written in the Bible.)

This is a relatively common creationist argument that selectively disregards the facts of the time. It is true that some scientists in the 1950's and 60's predicted that there should be massive accumulations of dust (some said miles thick) on the Lunar surface; however, the majority of the scientific community at the time agreed [through scientific analysis] that there would be only a thin layer of dust. Also, NASA landed five Surveyor craft on the Lunar surface; so, in May 1966, when Surveyor I landed on the Moon, the debate over the lunar surface dust layer was settled, three years prior to the Apollo 11 mission.

The reason that the ladder ended 65 cm above the pad at the end of the forward landing gear was because the the landing pads were stored in the retracted position for the journey to the Moon, then extended for the landing. The ladder was fixed, and did not extend and retract with the gear. This was a known design issue that was not addressed because the astronauts demonstrated their ability to ascend/descend the ladder with minimal difficulty when training in low-g simulations (in water and in the KC-135).

I'll concede the point about Niagra Falls though... for now. :)
Yeah. I do remember the part about the design issue where they settled that the low gravity would not hinder the ability to get up/down the ladder, however, I was under the impression that there was consideration lended to the thought that the amount of dust would not make the distance from the ladder to the ground so great.

You're right though in that I should have conceeded the ladder height to a design issue involving the landing gear, however, I didn't remember that part until after the post.

About the Niagra falls thing, I thought that a pretty kewl thought as well.

There is something else too. I seem to remember an issue in which a computer had been built to map future satelite locations in orbits for new satelite launch purposes. If I remember correctly, there was an issue with the computer's programming in which it would not accept the current position of the moon/sun/other measureables. It's error claimed they were all off by a day.

When no one could come up with a logical answer, a gentlman from NASA read a couple passages from the Bible where on two seperate occasions God(he/she/it) stopped time and across these two seperate occassions the total time accounted for the time that the computer said was missing.

I just remember hearing this one, and remember reading something on it once. Has anyone else heard this one?

P.S. I'd love you evolutionists explain the whale. Rocks evolved into bacteria, bacteria to celled organisms, these organisms to jelly fish, jelly fish to fish, fish to amphibians, amphibians then leave the ocean and turn into birds, birds to mammals and then, the biggest mammal on the planet GOES BACK!?! into the ocean?

(On this last part, I agree that God's got a sense of humor.)

[Edited by shrike126 on 02-14-2001 at 08:26 PM]
Perhaps some history reading would clear things up. Especially the part about exactly when religions were born and for what reason. Cause religion wasn't always around, it was born right after private property was found in an attempt by some people to find ways to get things their way. Some wanted to make money, others to have power, others just to **** women. Anyway some religions introduced some nice things (especially budism and cristianship) mostly due to circumstances , for example the thing about not eating meat (don't know the english word,sorry) which was introduced mainly to the absense of meat at the period(ok that's not good, but "do not steal" is). Also studies made to civilisations found during the previous century in some islands in the pacific have showed exactly the same results (about the beggining of religions). Mostly however religions were used by some pretty smart people to control population. "It doesn't matter if I steal your food , cause I'm the king, the chosen of God", " Don't worry if your life is ****ty, you'll get to heaven" and stuff like that. Don't get me wrong , I don't have anything against religious people, I just judge people by what they do. I'm just telling you to try to look in the true nature of things, and time and history give us a big help. For example noone believes today that the Earth is the center of the universe, although at that time all priests were telling that as if it were the words of God. There were other interests behind and so are today, unfortunately.

Excuse my English(It's not my native lang.)
The bible only equals one of many religions. The bible itself represents many diffrent faiths. Whos religion is right? Why not a buddist religion? Or what about that remote indian tribe in South America, who have never read bible, but yet still prays to a God, why is their religion wrong? How come religions cause war, seperation, death..? When the "floodgates' opened, was it primary saltwater or freshwater, and if it was saltwater how did the freshwater fish, organisms and plants live, and vice versa? How did they fit every animal on the Ark, every organism including the one that live in the hot pools of water above boiling? what did the animals eat, some where meat eaters, certainly they didnt eat other animals on the boat, that would iliminate either the female or male...How did the 3toed sloth make the journy from Australia to the middle east, there pretty slow.? If the floodgates did open, that means of 37,000 feet of water would have had to dropped, that is the round-abouts heigth of Mt Everest...Egypt is the oldest known civilized race, why wouldnt there religion be the right one? What about the book of Tora, It is the first part of the bible isnt it? Wouldnt we all be jewish then? why do people try to argue the bible is a scientific book when it isnt, its a story, with very little or no orginal scripts to prove its history? For all you who beleive in Heaven and Hell, I'll tell you what hell is going to be one Hell of a party, think about all the people who are going to be their!!!

" I mean, it(religion) wraps up any loose ends"

No it doesnt, relegion nor do are scientist prove to wrap up the lose ends. I am a evolutionist by heart, new it from a young age and thankfully my parents gave me the choice(even though they were raised stricked religion) to find out what I beleive. I think organized religion was an early form of government, and it still is a form of government.